- Anything Else -Here is what is wrong with the world
This message is going to like a message in a bottle in the sea of information of the Internet. The purpose of science is to determine who we are, where we came from, why we hurt and how to stop that pain and I quess maybe where are we going after we die. We are all looking for that needle in the haystack. Well, you have found it right here. Life is much more simple that we ever realized. We are fighting over what we are suppossed to be eating because we are so disconnected from our natural habitat that we don't really know what we are supposed to be eating. So we argue about all of this. The meat eater are mad at the vegetarians. Some of the vegetarians are mad at the meat eaters. The vegetarians are broken up into many factions. There are the Haggen Daus vegetarians that live off starch, sugar and caffeine. There are the vegans who restrict their diets even more and then there are the raw foodist who eat mainly raw vegetables and fruits. The problem is that we are all in varying states of intoxication. Most people dumping sugar, caffeine, alcohol, meat, excessive grains, hidden chemicals, prescription medicine, diary, etc. All these things have an impact on your health. This intoxication keeps us in denial. Why would some one smoke if the knew it caused cancer. There are other things that are more subtle or less researched. Caffeine is a good example. (There is a new book called Caffeine Blues that should should read, by the way.) Caffeine depletes a persons brain energy. The results of this can be child abuse, divorce, murder, fatique, obesity, panic attacks, rage, anger, headaches, mental illness. Of course, the result may seem pretty drastic, but when you add all the other intoxicants you can get some pretty extreme results. So meat eaters are notoriously angry especially when combined with all these other intoxicants. Since they are in denial and have never gone a day with out eating meat, it seem very clear to them that vegetarians are nuts. For myself, I was raised on a cattle and sheep ranch is West Texas. I ate more meat than any person that I know. Seriously. I spent thirty eight years of my life in a severe depression with panic attacks, obbsessive complusive disorder, and severe anxiety. I was over weight, lethargic and my joints were locked up. There was nothing that I would not put in my body except vegetables. I ended up quitting meat and changing my diet. ![]() None.