- Anything Else -
Look at our culture!!!
Posted by: Kevin Dempsey ( Canada ) on April 07, 1999 at 10:22:34:
In Reply to: Because we are too soft on criminals posted by Shaun on April 05, 1999 at 16:38:24:

Before you start insisting your government is too soft on criminals, maybe you should spend a little time in jail, and find out how they generally get treated. Go ahead, start a conversation with a room full of prison guards and wardens who think you are a criminal. Doubt your self esteem would last very long.As for guns, our culture is training people (children) to be killers. The rash of schoolyard killings have all been committed by young boys (odd-is there a gender message being sent out) who played simulated shooting games. These children were so proficient with the guns they took from their parents' (fathers') houses (legal gun owners) that they were several times more accurate than trained law enforcement officers. That is frightening, and it would not happen in a society with no legal guns, and with no gun culture. Guns are not cool, yet my grade one class where I teach is full of young boys who can spout the importance of Remembrance Day (Veterans' Day) in one breath, and then turn around and pretend to shoot their friend in the next breath. Grade 1! 6 years old. Where did they learn this? This is sad and frightening, and I do not want to be shot by anyone, particularly a young child who still, somewhere beneath that cloud of confusion, has some innocence left.

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