: I feel that people believe in god or gods out of fear of the unknown because early man didn't understand nature and the things going on around them so they created gods to explain the natural occurances. They later prerformed rituals to honor these unseen beings that controled the heavens.Yes but this a merely spiritual explanation religion provides a code of moral and social mores and norms also which are important because in all the years of research I've done into philosophy and politics I havent found a source to really, really rival it. Somethings have come close such as anarchism and socialism, and I believe these complement my faith excellently, but nothing could really replace it.
Lets seek out the real reasons for atheism and why it has been cast in such a progressive light and continues to be cast in such a progressive light EG it's tolerant, it allows the free investigation of science etc. I dont think it's impossible that these things can be reconciled with the existance of a God.