:: You have given the most convincing argument against Multinationals I've seen to date. Being a dyed in the wool capitalist pig I'm finding the first half of your post a bitter pill to swallow. Continue in that vein and you may have a convert (not real likely but you've peaked my interest) What solutions do you see to the undeniable reality you describe?But all he did is whine DT. He has the capacity to do anything he wishes to sustain his life independent of the machine he describes - but he won't. He doesn't have to light a campfire in the middle of his apartment. He can do it in the Montana Rockies. Turning the multi-nationals into the bogie man is his excuse for not actually living his own convictions.
"Better to be lean and free than chained to feast tomorrow" - Aesop.
Practice what you preach guys. It's not like their going to find you and throw you back to the clutches of the evil corporations.
: As for the second half of the post... You have illustrated a very apt scenario. You are absolutely correct. God is not found in those that force their will upon you.
: Nature is Gods best artwork.
Indeed! He is a master of expression. But what does He express?
Isn't it His love?
: And for those of you guffawing... Yes I believe in something I call God. I dont necessarily see God as an old man w/a robe and beard though. Traditional religious speculation of who or what God is is also very vain- How can you claim to know he who passes all understanding?
Actually, the Bible says the peace of God surpasses all understanding in Phillipians but your point is well taken. Is mine when I ask you whether or not a thorough investigation of scripture might reveal Him further than a mere study of nature? It may. Men have flaws to be sure but they also have insights. It's also quite possible that God gave some men special insights.
Stuart Gort