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Colombia is the next Viet Nam.
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( The PCC, MA, USA ) on March 12, 1999 at 10:01:27:
In Reply to: R.I.P. Terry Freitas posted by Gideon Hallett on March 10, 1999 at 13:24:49:

The Colombian situation is very interesting because it is the scene of the only large-scale civil war going on today in the Americas. A three-way struggle for supremacy si going on between a weak, corrupt government, an optimistic Communist guerilla movement, and a paranoid bunch of right-wing death squads. Colombia's government kills people, in contrast to some like Cuba, but the majority oof teh killings have been committed by the death squads. Of course, these death squads arguably have covert backing by the government. The strugle involves two of the world's most prized commoduties, oil and cocaine. Natuarlly teh US Government is trying to encourage one and suppress the other. Currently teh government is weak and increasingly unpopular. The Communists control 40 percent of the countryside. Capitalism is about to fall in Colombia, and the thought makes me ecstatic. FARC abd ELN are going to win, I think.Unfortnuately, tehir victory may be delayed because our "drug czar", Barry McCaffrey, has just approved arms donations to the corrupt and murderous capitalist governmnet of Colombia. Can you say Vietnam all over again?

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