- Anything Else -Frode has a valid point, Stuart. Take Iran, for example.In Reply to: Disgusting! posted by Stuart Gort on June 26, 1998 at 15:55:56:
Stuart, ever wonder why the Iranians are so pissed at America? You think they just work up one morning and decided, hey, let's take the Americans hostage! Guess again. Before the Ayatollah, there was the Shah, and his secret police, the SAVAK. The Shah was a faithful ally of the United States and was fully supported by our country, despite the fact that he was fabulously wealthy while the vast majority of Iranians were miserably poor, and that he employed the SAVAK to torture and kill any Iranians who questioned the validity of his rule. When the Iranians finally got rid of him, they reacted with extreme violence of their own, not unlike the victorious peasants of the French revolution. They saw the United States as the benefactor of the hated Shah, and treated us accordingly. Hence, the Great Satan moniker. ![]() None.