Day 242 - 29 Apr 96 - Page 04

     1   Q.   Right:
     3        "I have published articles dealing, amongst other things,
     4        with deforestation in Costa Rica, in academic books and
     5        journals published in the UK and the United States.
     6        I understand the relevant issues raised in this case; my
     7        research has led me to conclude there is a clear and
     8        definite link between the rapid expansion of beef
     9        production in Costa Rica during the 1960s and 1970s and the
    10        ongoing process of deforestation, and I am prepared so to
    11        testify.  I cannot comment on the specific involvement of
    12        McDonald's without further information".  Is that your
    13        signature?
    14        A.  That is my signature.  Could I add a very small point
    15        of clarification at this stage:  There is a time lag
    16        between the expansion of beef production and the rate of
    17        deforestation, and while the most rapid expansion of beef
    18        production was during the 1960s and 1970s, the most rapid
    19        rate of deforestation was during the 1970s and 1980s.
    21   Q.   Okay.  If we move onto the second statement -- sorry, you
    22        verify that statement?
    23        A.  I do.
    25   Q.   Yes.  The second statement:
    27        "I have now seen documents containing statements by
    28        Raymond M. Cesca, David Rose, Luis Jimenez, Juan Sequeira
    29        and a representative of the Co-Ope Montecillos of Costa
    30        Rica, and on the basis of this evidence, I wish to enter
    31        the supplementary statement about the McDonald's case:
    33        "1.  It appears that up to 1988, McDonald's were using beef
    34        from land that had been deforested as recently as 10 years
    35        before that date;
    37        "2.  This was ecologically irresponsible behaviour, given
    38        that the rate of deforestation in Costa Rica during the
    39        1960s and 1970s was among the highest in Latin America, and
    40        that much of this deforestation was taking place for the
    41        purpose of clearing land for pasture;
    43        "3.  Many ecologists, including the undersigned, consider
    44        that Costa Rica has been deforested to unacceptable levels
    45        in the past 30 years and that all efforts should go into
    46        reforesting much of the pasture land that was covered in
    47        humid forest before the 1906s;
    49        "4.  If this goal is to be taken seriously, then McDonald's
    50        new policy of not purchasing beef from land that was 
    51        deforested 25 or more years ago is equally inadequate; no 
    52        beef pastured on land that was deforested during the period 
    53        of unbridled forest clearance of the 1960s and after should
    54        be purchased by responsible companies.
    56        November 1st, 1993".
    58        Do you stand by that statement?
    59        A.  I do.

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