Day 239 - 23 Apr 96 - Page 19
1 up to what anyone would recognise as a full closed canopy
2 rainforest.
4 If we look in particular at these purple lines going along
5 the course of the river there, you will see the branching
6 river there, it has got tributaries such as the Rio
7 Manissaua-Micu, Rio Arraias and Rio Ronuro. Those areas
8 are actually surrounded by all alluvial forest. It is
9 called either "alluvial forest" or "gallery forest" and a
10 gallery forest is so-called because it runs in a sort of
11 corridor along the river and that is very similar in type
12 to one's sort of childhood impression of a rainforest; it
13 has got very tall trees with a more or less continuous
14 canopy at least along the line of the river, very rich in
15 wildlife, often with under stories and also all sorts of
16 spacial heterogeneity of complexity. You will see various
17 other zones marked on the map which ----
19 Q. Can I just ask before you continue?
20 A. Sorry.
22 Q. You had said before that the Amazon regions to you extend
23 beyond the official political frontier?
24 A. Yes.
26 Q. Amazonia Legal. Can you explain what you mean by that?
27 A. Yes.
29 Q. So we can see the whole picture first before we look at the
30 detail?
31 A. Absolutely. I think one thing I can say about the
32 vegetation of an area like Brazil is that you cannot draw
33 straight lines and I think at least one appropriate means
34 of viewing a hydro-geographical or a bio-geographical zone
35 is to see it as a drainage system and certainly the Amazon
36 basin clearly is the area that drains into the Amazon and
37 we will see very clearly around Sinop that these rivers
38 drain into the tributaries of the Amazon. The branching
39 river I have mentioned just now drains into the Rio Xingu,
40 which is a tributary of the Amazon.
42 Just on the western side of Sinop we see a series of rivers
43 which drain eventually into the Rio Tapajos via the Juruena
44 and the Rio Sao Manuel which, of course, the Tapajos is
45 another tributary of the Amazon, so it is very clear that
46 that whole region, and going down some way south of Sinop,
47 is part of the Amazon drainage system, i.e. part of the
48 Amazon basin, and I think in most peoples' minds that shows
49 clearly that it is actually part of Amazonia, as one might
50 describe it, and Amazonian has always been a fairly loose
51 concept but the Amazon basin is generally considered to be
52 Amazonia.
54 Q. The official Amazon Legal region seems to be, I think on
55 this map actually is ----
56 A. I think it incorporates the State of Mato Grosso.
58 Q. The whole region?
59 A. Yes, I think that is correct.