Day 239 - 23 Apr 96 - Page 16
1 at the front of the witness box?
2 A. Thank you.
4 MR. MORRIS: I will continue to read the next statement which is
5 signed 29th August, 1995:
7 "Addendum regarding cattle ranching in the cerrado regions
8 of Brazil.
10 There are two principal reasons for the loss of cerrado
11 habitat in Brazil: soya production and cattle ranching.
12 Soya production has been dealt with in an earlier
13 addendum. This addendum concentrates on the effects of
14 cattle ranching.
16 I understand there has been some confusion in court about
17 whether or not the cerrado is tropical forest. Cerrado has
18 accurately been described as "a complex of vegetation
19 types". It ranges all the way from low dry scrub to dense
20 wet forest. Moreover, the border between cerrado and
21 closed canopy rainforest is extremely complex, with
22 outliers of cerrado extending up to hundreds of miles into
23 the rainforest, and to outliers of the rainforest extending
24 similarly into the cerrado. Some of the "gallery forest"
25 that runs along rivers penetrating the cerrado would
26 rightly be described as rainforest.
28 One of the tragedies of cattle ranching in the cerrado is
29 that it has indiscriminately destroyed a huge range of
30 habitats. In clearing the land for ranching, participants
31 have made no distinction between vegetation types.
32 Individual ranches will take in land that was once of a
33 savannah type as well as land which could accurately have
34 been described as rainforest.
36 Cattle ranching in States such as Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais
37 and Goias - some of those in which this very broad complex
38 of vegetation types called cerrado occurs - has had a
39 devastating impact, destroying thousands of square
40 kilometres of this mixed habitat. Deforested cerrado has
41 been one of the major sources of supply for Brazilian beef.
43 My attention has been drawn to a map of the four
44 northernmost plants that McDonald's make use of in Brazil.
45 Brazilian beef plants characteristically take cattle from a
46 large hinterland. I am informed that when the Barretos
47 plant supplied McDonald's UK, it took cattle from up to
48 1000km away. Using this figure as a guideline, I have
49 measured vegetation maps of Brazil and find that radii of a
50 1000km from the 2 northernmost plants include substantial
51 areas of mixed cerrado both south of and within the area
52 designated in Brazil as Amazonia Legal, including the south
53 of the state of Para. Some of these cerrado areas include
54 significant stands of rainforest. The radii also
55 incorporate significant regions of closed canopy
56 rainforest, much of which has, in this region, been lost to
57 cattle ranching in recent years. If McDonald's is drawing
58 its beef from these areas, it is using ex-rainforest land."