Day 198 - 08 Dec 95 - Page 16
1 never did write such a letter, did you, Mr. Coton?
2 A. The letter I wrote which is ------
4 Q. I know that but -----
6 MS. STEEL: Let the witness answer the question.
8 THE WITNESS: The letter I wrote, which is actually in here,
9 and, as I stated at the beginning of my evidence, when I
10 actually resaw and read the letter, I was surprised at how
11 little it contained.
13 Q. Sorry?
14 A. As I actually stated right at the beginning when asked
15 about this, I wrote the letter, which was given on 18th
16 July, when I reread it, which was a couple of weeks ago, I
17 was surprised at how little it actually contained. But my
18 main reason for doing it in the first place was to get a
19 reaction. It never was the intention to actually end up
20 leaving the Company at that time. I have stated that all
21 along.
23 Q. It did not contain any criticism of management style or any
24 reference to practices that you were expected to sanction
25 or enforce, did it?
26 A. This letter does not, no.
28 Q. No. So you never wrote the letter which you refer to in
29 the second paragraph of your first written statement, did
30 you?
31 A. As I said before, my memory, I thought I had put more
32 information in that letter than I actually did.
34 Q. Can we just have a look at this? This is the letter. Have
35 you got the letter? It is at page 67 ---
36 A. Yes, I have got it in front of me.
38 Q. -- you have got in front of you -- of the PR file. As you
39 rightly say, it is dated 18th July 1991. It appears to
40 have been received, if we can believe the date stamp at the
41 top, on 23rd July 1991. Page 67 of the PR. This is what
42 you write:
44 "It is with much regret that I wish to inform you of my
45 decision to terminate my employment with McDonald's. This
46 is a decision I have not taken lightly, but in the light of
47 recent and long term events which are too complicated and
48 diverse to put down on paper, I feel that this is a step I
49 have been forced to make. I, therefore, wish to end my
50 employment on Thursday, 29th August 1991.
52 Whilst I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, you
53 have my assurance that I will work and maintain the highest
54 of standards during this period of notice. I would like to
55 take this opportunity to thank you for a most enjoyable and
56 informative seven years with the Company, during which the
57 experience has been of great benefit to me. Yours
58 faithfully", and then you have signed it, yes?
59 A. Correct, yes.