Day 196 - 06 Dec 95 - Page 18
1 might find that during the summer months the labour per
2 cent would be set at, say, 13.5 because of business,
3 Christmas, and then the rest of time it might be at 14, but
4 it would not be a big variance. It would only be sort of
5 half a per cent type of variance throughout the year.
7 Q. The profit goal, is that the PAC which appears in some
8 documents?
9 A. That is correct, yes.
11 Q. What does PAC stand for?
12 A. Profit After Controllables.
14 Q. Something like 29 to 31 pence in the pound of takings. How
15 did that relate to the other targets that were being set?
16 Was it parallel or separate?
17 A. What you would actually find within the PA would
18 actually be all your major controllable items, food,
19 labour, paper, maintenance, repair, office supplies,
20 promotional, anything that at store level we actually
21 controlled. One of the main measures you were judged on as
22 a branch and Manager was how well you controlled your
23 actual profit from your individual branch. Anything
24 outside that would be things that we did not control like
25 the rates and those types of things, but all the things
26 that the branch Manager we controlled.
28 Q. The rates you pay to the local council?
29 A. That is correct. Anything that we as a Store Manager
30 would control by getting the food in, the packaging in, the
31 labour costs, money spent on anything from travel to
32 officer supplies, anything like that.
34 Q. In the next paragraph you talk about the Managers'
35 meetings, Senior Supervisor, and you said that Supervisors
36 themselves were under pressure from the Regional Senior
37 Supervisors. How do you know about the pressure that
38 people above you were under?
39 A. It would come over either -- in meetings they would say
40 they were under pressure to achieve these targets and hence
41 we are under pressure to achieve those targets.
43 Q. Under pressure from who?
44 A. From above which would be, say, my Area Supervisor
45 would be under pressure from his Supervisor who would be
46 running, say, four or five different Supervisors to achieve
47 targets. So it cascaded down the whole way so they would
48 then say, well, they were under pressure with their three
49 stores, they put their store Managers under pressure, we
50 then put our Assistant Managers under pressure. So it
51 basically worked on the pressure coming down from the top
52 cascading right through.
54 Q. The Anglia Region Managers' meetings, who ran those
55 meetings?
56 A. At the time in the statement we are talking about here
57 that would have been run by Frank Stanton who was the
58 Supervisor at that time.
60 Q. He left as a Supervisor when you became Manager?