Day 196 - 06 Dec 95 - Page 08

     1        Can I just clarify that.  Frank Stanton, he was the Area
     2        Supervisor when Mark Davis was the Store Manager?
     3        A.  That is correct, yes.
     5   Q.   We have heard in this case that he left the area?
     6        A.  He was promoted and went to another region.
     8   Q.   And then Mark Davies became your Area Supervisor?
     9        A.  Supervisor.
    11   Q.   "Frank Stanton and Mark Davis continuously told us they
    12        were under pressure to achieve their targets.  Sometimes
    13        I was expected ('requested') to help the Supervisor achieve
    14        his targets for his stores by cutting my labour costs to
    15        compensate for another store which had failed to
    16        achieve."
    18        Is that another store in his area of responsibility?
    19        A.  The Supervisor would have three or four stores under
    20        his actual immediate control.  That would be within that
    21        group of three or four stores.
    23   Q.   "1.4 - Please state (a) the approximate frequency of visits
    24        by 'Senior Officials' and (b) the names of the officials.
    25        Answer: (a) Senior Supervisor to some extent
    26        (fortnightlyish), but especially for Andy or Tim Taylor or
    27        above (monthly/six weekish)."  Then I have put, "All night
    28        closes".
    30        So is it clear there we are talking about special effort
    31        was put into all night closes?
    32        A.  There would be a special effort for people above Area
    33        Supervisor coming down to the stores where you do an all
    34        night close, extra crew and that type of thing.
    36   Q.   Maybe we will come back to that.  "Question 2 - Food
    37        Costs.  2.1 - Please give the name of those that
    38        applied 'pressure to keep food costs down' and 'pressure
    39        not to throw food away'.  Mark Davies and Frank Stanton.
    40        The flat-topped grill sometimes led to under-cooked
    41        burgers".  Were these under-cooked burgers thrown away?
    42        A.  It would depend.  I mean, if it was slightly
    43        under-cooked it might have been served, but if it was badly
    44        under-cooked it would be thrown away.
    46   Q.   How does that relate to the pressure not to throw food
    47        away?
    48        A.  One would be at odds with the other.  Sometimes it
    49        would be a decision you would have to make at the time
    50        whether it was served or thrown away. 
    52   Q.   But what would the pressure be? 
    53        A.  Well, obviously if you are actually throwing stuff
    54        away, then it is going to affect your costs.  So the idea,
    55        obviously you did not want to throw anything away unless it
    56        was actually unserveable.
    58   Q.   "Question 2.2 - Please state how that pressure was
    59        applied.  Instructions, discussed and approved at Managers'
    60        meetings, example, general pressure, you just had to do it

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