Day 182 - 02 Nov 95 - Page 08
1 A. It is not exactly union, but it is -----
3 MR. MORRIS: Association?
4 A. Association. Exactly, thank you.
6 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just let me make a note.
8 MR. MORRIS: That is a section of the HRAF?
9 A. Yes.
11 Q. Which is a large union, is it?
12 A. Yes. That is one of 100 sections, I believe -- close
13 to 100.
15 Q. Could I ask you a question? How long have you been a union
16 member?
17 A. Since soon after I started. I think I got into the
18 union in 1989, but I did not tell anyone about it until the
19 matter of our collective agreement came up in 1993.
21 Q. If I just read the rest of the statement, and then if
22 anything is not true or not accurate, or something, you can
23 stop me; otherwise I will ask you at the end if the whole
24 statement is your evidence.
26 "During the summer and autumn of 1993, there were
27 negotiations between HRAF and McDonald's. This was because
28 12 of the closers, the people who washed the restaurant
29 during the night, had entered the union seeking better pay
30 and better working conditions."
31 A. Yes. I have to stop you there. I have had a look at
32 the papers, and there were 11 of them, that is, 10 of them
33 union members.
35 Q. Thank you. So it should read: "This was because 11 of the
36 closers, 10 of whom were union members"; yes?
37 A. Yes.
39 Q. "....the people who washed the restaurant during the night
40 had entered the union seeking better pay and better working
41 conditions. McDonald's first reaction to this was to give
42 all of them one month's notice, claiming they were no
43 longer needed because new equipment and washing machines"
44 -- were, presumably, being purchased or something?
45 A. Yes.
47 Q. "The HRAF pointed out that the grills and other equipment
48 would still need to be washed by hand or put into the
49 washing machines and said they would take these dismissals
50 to court to prove they were necessary. McDonald's quickly
51 withdrew the dismissals.
53 "We have, since December 1993, had a collective agreement
54 between McDonald's and HRAF, the Norwegian Hotel and
55 Restaurant Workers union. The agreement between McDonald's
56 and the HRAF was not easily reached, and after all the
57 different rounds of negotiations that Norwegian law
58 describes before workers can legally strike, an agreement
59 had still not been reached. The workers and the HRAF
60 therefore prepared to strike.