Day 174 - 17 Oct 95 - Page 02
1 Tuesday, 17th October, 1995
4 Cross-examination by the Defendants, continued
6 MS. STEEL: Mr. Mehigan, you made your statement 14 years after
7 the events of the strike. Did you do it all from memory or
8 did you refresh your memory by looking at all the
9 documents?
10 A. I cannot recall exactly. I certainly did a lot of it
11 from memory, but I looked at many files, and I cannot
12 recollect at this point.
14 Q. You disclosed these documents. Why had you kept them all
15 for this length of time?
16 A. For no other reason than we keep -- we have a habit of
17 keeping files for a long, long time.
19 Q. So do you basically keep everything?
20 A. I would say yes. We have too many files kept of many
21 things.
23 Q. If you had a dispute, you would keep all the papers to do
24 with that dispute?
25 A. We would keep papers on many aspects of the business
26 for a long time, say, in relation to operations or in
27 relation to records of the Company. I mean, there is an
28 obligation on us to retain employment records for quite a
29 length of time, and payroll records, as well.
31 Q. But the records tht you kept would include all the records
32 concerning a dispute -- concerning this dispute, for
33 example?
34 A. Well, if that is what was in my records, yes, we would
35 retain it.
37 Q. When you were giving evidence in chief, you added something
38 to your statement about what happened to Anne Holmes.
39 A. Sorry, could you rephrase that? When I added -----
41 Q. When you gave your evidence-in-chief, you added something
42 to your statement concerning Anne Holmes; do you remember
43 that?
44 A. Yes. I believe I remember that she had gone to a
45 Rights Commissioner.
47 Q. Why did you suddenly remember that? Had you been looking
48 at something which refreshed your memory about it?
49 A. I think I possibly had been looking at my statement.
50 I cannot recall exactly. I believe I was looking at my
51 statement.
53 Q. You did not think of it when you were making your
54 statement?
55 A. Well, obviously, I did not, if I did not put it in at
56 that time. As I said, I was going from memory. It is a
57 long time ago.
59 Q. What about Tom Caulfield; do you remember about him?
60 A. The only thing I remember about him was that he was on