Day 145 - 29 Jun 95 - Page 13

     1        A.  I think the example that we are using for the crew is
     2        exemplary.  The amount of effort and time that we want to
     3        spend with them, developing them, working with them.  When
     4        you get to a higher level in an organisation, you are
     5        expected to perform at that level on a constant basis.  So
     6        we have a higher standard for those people, including
     7        myself.
     9   Q.   If you could turn to tab 6, please ---
    10        A.  Sure.
    12   Q.   -- and turn to page 311.  The chart that is on this page,
    13        that is, basically, the performance scale recommended for
    14        that year, is it not?
    15        A.  No, I think somewhere in here it should indicate this
    16        is an example, this is a model.
    18   Q.   Yes.
    19        A.  This is not the literal thing.  What we are suggesting
    20        is:  "You are probably going to want to have something such
    21        as this.  This is a model; now apply it to your
    22        situation".  That is what that is all about.
    24   Q.   Yes, so this would be the basic but if you were in a
    25        particular area ------
    26        A.  No, no, no.
    28   Q.   Hold on, let me finish the question.
    29        A.  Sorry.
    31   Q.   This would be the basic, but if you are in a particular
    32        area where there were recruitment difficulties, or
    33        whatever, where you felt you needed to start the rates at a
    34        higher rate, then you would adjust the scale accordingly?
    35        A.  I disagree with the "basic".  It is a model.  It is an
    36        illustration.  It is an example.  I do not know how many
    37        other similar words I can use.
    39   Q.   So if it is a model, then it is very likely that a fair
    40        proportion of the operators that year of the Company owned
    41        stores would have been using that?
    42        A.  No, I cannot say that because I bet you there are three
    43        or four different models as well in any given year.  What
    44        we are trying to illustrate is that there should be a
    45        process here, that it should not be a helter-skelter kind
    46        of approach; that there needs to be a process, you need to
    47        have a system of some sort versus something that just
    48        ad hoc, you know, do not -- without purpose.  We are trying
    49        to encourage them to have a system of their own and here is
    50        an illustration of how to go about doing it. 
    52   Q.   But the raises for that year are correct there, are they 
    53        not?
    54        A.  I know we went up to 30 cents.  I do not know, I cannot
    55        recall exactly when we did it.
    57   Q.   But this one is 1992.
    58        A.  It may very well be the 25 cents then.  I can remember
    59        a lot of things but I cannot specifically recall that, when
    60        we changed it.

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