Day 117 - 27 Apr 95 - Page 06
1 Q. Bonuses?
2 A. Yes.
4 Q. How do bonuses work?
5 A. They are often paid at the behest of the Restaurant
6 Manager, and there are several ways he could do it. He can
7 say the shift that serves the highest number of customers
8 per hour will get an extra 20p an hour or something like
9 that. He can really do what he likes as an incentive to
10 get them to to work as efficiently as possible.
12 Q. Right. So does the Company set a basic minimum wage per
13 hour for different shifts throughout different regions ---
14 A. Yes.
16 Q. -- of the country?
17 A. Yes, we do.
19 Q. Then does the Manager have a discretion on top of that ---
20 A. Yes, he does.
22 Q. -- to pay bonuses? What sort of circumstances would give
23 rise to bonus payments?
24 A. Crew that work particularly well will be given bonuses.
26 Q. What about if they work on bank holidays, do they
27 get -----
28 A. They get bank holiday rates of pay.
30 Q. That is sort of increased rates?
31 A. Yes, it is.
33 Q. What about their food?
34 A. Their food is free.
36 Q. How much food a day are they allowed to have free? Who
37 decides that?
38 A. Again it is more or less down to the Restaurant Manager
39 but Bob Rhea, who was Chief Executive Officer at that time,
40 had a saying: "Take what you want but eat what you take",
41 and that is the general rule of thumb in the restaurants.
43 Q. Take what you want but eat what you take?
44 A. In other words ---
46 Q. Waste not want not?
47 A. -- take as much as you want to eat but do not waste our
48 food.
50 Q. Do not go wasting it. What about holiday pay? How does
51 that work?
52 A. Yes, that is accrued over the year and -----
54 Q. Can you explain that?
55 A. There is a percentage of their pay is -- in addition to
56 their pay there is a percentage of their pay accrued in the
57 Company, and when they take their holiday that is paid to
58 them as holiday money.
60 Q. I see.