Day 100 - 09 Mar 95 - Page 11
1 MS. STEEL: What is the phosphatase test? Can you just explain
2 that briefly?
3 A. Yes, it is an enzyme which is denatured around the
4 cooking temperatures, around 70 degrees Centigrade.
6 Q. How long does that have to be cooked before it becomes
7 denatured?
8 A. Well, that is not totally clear in meat products. It
9 is used in the dairy industry to assess whether
10 pasteurisation has been effective or not. It is a very
11 rapid test to see -- it is about a five or 10 minute test
12 -- whether or not the milk has been pasteurized
13 correctly. It is a lot quicker than doing microbiological
14 counts. That has been transferred across to meat and it
15 is, again I say it is only used as an indicator, it is not
16 a definite, but if you do find positive activity there,
17 then it would strongly suggest that the product had not
18 been cooked.
20 Q. Had not or had?
21 A. Had not. If it was still active, then it had not been
22 cooked.
24 Q. So none of these tests are really definitive; they just
25 give you an indication?
26 A. The presence of Salmonella would tell you whether or
27 not the product has been cooked, providing there had been
28 no cross-contamination after the event.
30 Q. That would depend, would it not, because there are 25 per
31 cent of products that have Salmonella on them?
32 A. That is right.
34 Q. So the other 75 would not be any use as an indicator, would
35 it?
36 A. That is true, yes.
38 Q. If you do not have the burger, whatever type, the chicken
39 or the beefburger, do you carry out any investigations at
40 the store, for example?
41 A. Personally, I would not carry out those
42 investigations. That would be down to other departments
43 that look after the in-store operation. As I said
44 yesterday, my responsibility, really, is to the back door
45 of the restaurants. But there is certainly liaison. The
46 reporting system that we mentioned does not only come
47 through to my department. In fact, the first port of call,
48 as it were, where they are logged on to the computer is in
49 a different department.
51 Q. What department is that logged into then?
52 A. The Customer Services Department.
54 Q. The Customer Services Department log all the types of
55 complaints, including foreign objects and things like that?
56 A. Every, yes, every complaint, yes.
58 Q. Do you get about the same amount of complaints about
59 under-cooking as you do about foreign objects?
60 A. No.