Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 39

     2   Q.   Do you occasionally feel the need to stretch your legs, go
     3        for a walk?
     4        A.  Yes, I go for a walk every afternoon.
     6   Q.   It is no distance from your house to McDonald's in Kings
     7        Road, is it?
     8        A.  No.
    10   Q.   If on emerging from your house one sunny afternoon, let us
    11        say October 1992, 93, you found the street full of environment/index.html">litter,
    12        McDonald's environment/index.html">litter, it is the simplest thing in the world to
    13        direct your walk round the corner to McDonald's and say,
    14        "Come and take this stuff away, your environment/index.html">litter patrols are
    15        not working"?
    16        A.  Yes, no reason why I should not.
    18   Q.   Why did you not do it?
    19        A.  As I say, I had other things on my mind and it was only
    20        when this continual absence of environment/index.html">litter patrols began to
    21        steam on that I thought, well, I might take some
    22        photographs, so I then took some photographs which I made
    23        available to the Defendants.
    25   Q.   Yes.  Did you take them for the purposes of this case, did
    26        you think?
    27        A.  Some of the later ones, yes, and the ones I took last
    28        night, yes.
    30   Q.   Yes, but the ones that you took in mid to late 1994?
    31        A.  No, I do not think so.
    33   Q.   Well, you see your statement was signed on 27th January
    34        1994?
    35        A.  Right.
    37   Q.   So it could be, could it not, that you took them
    38        specifically for the purposes of this case?
    39        A.  It could be, yes.
    41   Q.   In which case you would have chosen the worst possible
    42        scenario to photograph for this case, would you not, to
    43        make your point?
    44        A.  Not particularly, no.  I mean I would have taken the
    45        typical ones.  I said, in fact, it was typical rather than
    46        the worst case.  If I wanted to do worst case I would have
    47        just collected it for a week and put it in the dump, but I
    48        would not do that.
    50   Q.   Sorry? 
    51        A.  I could have collected the rubbish for a week and 
    52        photographed that. It would have made a rather good 
    53        picture.
    55   Q.   If those photographs are typical of not worst case, tell us
    56        what is the worst case, not in detail obviously, but in
    57        broad terms what is the worst case you have ever seen on
    58        stepping outside your front door looking through your
    59        window?
    60        A.  In Smith Street?

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