Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 36
1 A. Their vary. They vary. Their staff changes quite
2 regularly. We have got quite a good one on at the moment.
4 Q. Is that just the collection of rubbish in bags from points
5 in the street?
6 A. No, it is street sweeping.
8 Q. So the Council does a street sweeping job as well, is that
9 right?
10 A. Sometimes.
12 Q. Are you conscious of the amount of potential environment/index.html">litter that is
13 generated by McDonald's take-away business during the
14 course of a day?
15 A. Yes, I heard Mr. Stump's evidence.
17 Q. Does it not surprise you if there is no environment/index.html">litter patrol and
18 if, at any rate, for quite lot of the time the Council's
19 service is irregular, does it not surprise that your street
20 is not, and exaggerate somewhat, knee deep in environment/index.html">litter?
21 A. It often is.
23 Q. It often is?
24 A. Well, look at this, yes.
26 Q. That is knee deep in environment/index.html">litter, is it?
27 A. Well, there is certainly plenty of environment/index.html">litter about.
29 Q. I really am making a serious point, Mr. McIntyre. There
30 are some items of environment/index.html">litter there, some of which are
31 McDonald's items. Turn, for example, if you will, to
32 photograph No. 7 which is the one of the French students
33 with the pigeons in it. That is not your street; that is
34 Wellington Square?
35 A. It is Royal Avenue.
37 Q. I beg your pardon, Royal Avenue. There are three pieces of
38 McDonald's environment/index.html">litter in that photograph, are there not,
39 identifiable?
40 A. I would have say four because the one on the pavement
41 look like a McDonald's.
43 Q. Maybe it is three; maybe it is four. Is that taken in
44 Summer, does it look, late Summer, early Autumn I think you
45 said?
46 A. I would have thought it was late Summer.
48 Q. Busy time in the year in the Kings Road, is it not?
49 A. It varies, yes.
51 Q. It is a popular shopping tourist area?
52 A. It is.
54 Q. It must be very annoying for the residents at times, I dare
55 say, but it is a very busy area, is it not?
56 A. It is very busy.
58 Q. Does it not surprise you to find a mere three or four
59 pieces of McDonald's environment/index.html">litter there if, as you assert, there
60 has been no environment/index.html">litter patrol for two and a half years?