Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 33

     2   Q.   Am I understanding you correctly, you are not saying that
     3        you have kept, as it were, what one might call a military
     4        style McDonald's patrol watch for the last two and a half
     5        years?
     6        A.  No.
     8   Q.   It is simply that when you have looked out of the window
     9        you have seen some things, as I understand your evidence,
    10        but not for the last two and a half years of McDonald's
    11        environment/index.html">litter patrol, is that right?
    12        A.  That is right, yes.
    14   Q.   Can I suggest hat even on your account of matters, and you
    15        must understand I do not accept there has been no environment/index.html">litter
    16        patrol for the last two and a half years or for any time
    17        during the last two and a half years, but can I suggest
    18        that even on your account you may have misremembered the
    19        dates?  Can you look back, please, at Dr. Taylor's letter
    20        which is on page 772 of the pink file?  You see that letter
    21        is dated 28th September 1992, do you?
    22        A.  That is right.
    24   Q.   Do you see on the following page he says, whether it is
    25        right or wrong, that "The clearing of rubbish" around the
    26        premises is generally good, as is that in the local
    27        streets" in the plural, "through your staff patrol
    28        system."   Then if you would, please, turn on to page 779,
    29        a letter dated almost exactly a year later, Dr. Taylor, the
    30        Chairman of the umbrella organisation, writes at the bottom
    31        of 779: "The regular McDonald's patrol system has broken
    32        down and is now often stimulated by a resident calling on
    33        the Kings Road Manager", and so on.  How do you react to
    34        the suggestion that when you said mid-1992, you might have
    35        meant mid-1993 in the light of those documents?
    36        A.  Well, there is always a delay factor between an actual
    37        complaint and our meetings because our meetings take place
    38        quarterly.  It could easily be that what is written in
    39        September 1992 represented a situation three months earlier
    40        since our last meeting, but I mean I am not absolutely firm
    41        on dates.
    43   Q.   No.
    44        A.  Whether it is a year and a half or two and a half
    45        years.
    47   Q.   Exactly, but for this reason is it quite important perhaps,
    48        Mr. McIntyre, that in your written statement you have
    49        accused Mr. Siddique who is sitting in front of me here of
    50        telling a blatant lie to the relevant planning committee at 
    51        the Kensington Borough Council about the existence of 
    52        environment/index.html">litter patrols; and, if it were right that you are mistaken 
    53        and you have put the matter back in here in your own mind,
    54        quite innocently, I am not suggesting you have done it
    55        deliberately, then it would not be a fair comment to make
    56        about what Mr. Siddique said to the Committee, would it?
    57        A.  When Mr. Siddique this to the Planning Committee I was
    58        well aware that no patrols had come down recently.  When
    59        was the planning thing?

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