Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 26

     2   THE WITNESS:  Right.  If you give me a number?
     4   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, OK.  If we go straight to 772.  Do not read it
     5        all yet; just listen to me.  You said the Royal Hospital
     6        Ward Residents Association had criticised McDonald's over
     7        their environment/index.html">litter; is that correct?
     8        A.  Yes.
    10   Q.   Going back to when?
    11        A.  I would have to look at the Minutes, I think.
    13   Q.   Since the store opened or -----
    14        A.  No, no, I think, as I said earlier on, I think that at
    15        the beginning they did have environment/index.html">litter patrols, but they
    16        ceased, I would have said, two and a half years ago, but
    17        I am only going on some ancestral memory.
    19   Q.   When they ceased, as you say, did the Royal Hospital make
    20        approaches to McDonald's, in your memory of past
    21        resolutions or whatever, of taking up the issue in any way?
    22        A.  Well, that came up as an issue every time we discussed
    23        McDonald's, but it was only the third issue.
    25   Q.   There were other issues as well?
    26        A.  There were other issues as well.
    28   Q.   So this letter in front of you, do you recognise the headed
    29        notepaper there?
    30        A.  I do.
    32   Q.   You have used that headed notepaper yourself, yes?
    33        A.  No, I do not write on behalf -----
    35   Q.   But you speak on behalf of them when you contact the press?
    36        A.  Oh, yes.
    38   Q.   Dr. Taylor, on the other side of this letter, apparently,
    39        although there is no evidence to say that he does believe
    40        what it says here, in the section that has not been blanked
    41        out about rubbish, if you just read to yourself (a) and (b)
    42        there on page 773?
    43        A.  Yes, I have read it.
    45   Q.   Just on the thing where he says:  "The clearing of rubbish
    46        around the premises is generally good as is that in the
    47        local streets through your staff patrol system", at that
    48        time, September 1992, was the patrol system in your streets
    49        good, McDonald's patrol system?
    50        A.  You know, I am only going on memory, I would have said 
    51        that it stopped sometime earlier but, you know, it is only 
    52        memory.  I did not make a note of the dates and things. 
    54   Q.   Is it possible that some streets may have been cleared or
    55        patrolled but not other streets?
    56        A.  Yes, yes.  I imagine Royal Avenue would have been
    57        cleared because that is, sort of, part of McDonald's in a
    58        sense, it is all part of the view of McDonald's.
    60   Q.   So you do not know what local streets Dr. Taylor was

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