Day 056 - 28 Nov 94 - Page 14
1 Q. Just going back to Canada, you said that the main concerns
2 were on the West Coast; is that where there has been, if
3 you might like to say, the environmental movement,
4 certainly the ones they have concentrated on most, the West
5 Coast's forest?
6 A. It would appear so.
8 Q. As far as you know, is that true?
9 A. Yes, I mean environmental organisations do have their
10 regional branches and will have local concerns. That is
11 normal, I think, everywhere. It is part of the evolving
12 progress in ecology.
14 Q. But in terms of the main focus nationally in Canada has
15 been, has it, by environmental groups, has that been on the
16 West coast?
17 A. I think it would be fair to say that both nationally
18 and internationally the West Coast has had more attention
19 on environmental issues.
21 Q. Is it true that the Timber Trade Federation or
22 representatives of it -- let me just read out a section
23 from Mr. Hopkins's statement. It is on page 18. I hope we
24 have all the same statement; there have been a changing of
25 page numbers. On page 18 are your first words "imply
26 absolute ecological"?
27 A. Yes, they are.
29 Q. 5.2.10, underneath that, can you just read to that yourself
30 and, first of all, just say is it true, then I will ask you
31 some questions about it.
32 A. With the exception of the fact that Mr. Michael James
33 is not "Michelle" James, it is otherwise as stated,
34 I believe.
36 Q. So, that is a true record of the facts?
37 A. Let me just read the statement he has made. He is
38 quoted "as telling a TTF member whose advertisements had
39 found at fault by the ASA that 'the right way is to avoid
40 talking about sustainability. We find it easier to talk
41 about well-managed forests instead'." Mr. Michael James
42 has told me he has no conscious recollection of having made
43 that statement to a member at the time. This is as quoted
44 by the Timber Trade's Journal, not a statement that he has
45 actually written or made himself.
47 Q. So the Timber Trade Journal has quoted him inaccurately or
48 he just does not remember saying it?
49 A. He is not aware. He said to me he is not aware of
50 having made that statement. May I actually state, though,
51 that well-managed forests are the important future that has
52 been progressed through all the forestry of the world, and
53 is an extremely important feature. Talking about
54 sustainability is difficult for anybody sitting in this
55 country to talk about sustainability in terms of wildlife
56 and ecology; whereas it is very easy for us to talk about
57 how well the forests are managed from a sustainability
58 point of view. If that was his interpretation, that may be
59 relevant but, in point of fact, he has no recollection of
60 having said those words that are written there and that