Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 55
2 Q. It may not be easy but it is something that you would like
3 to do anyway?
4 A. We certainly will accept their visits, yes.
6 Q. You said it is difficult to get people to do something they
7 are not doing already or something along those lines?
8 A. Yes, when it comes, at least from our understanding of
9 the marketplace, when it comes to try to increase the
10 number of visits that someone does in general to a quick
11 service restaurant, that is not an easy -- it is a
12 difficult challenge. They have already made up their minds
13 and habits of what kind of restaurants they are going to
14 use. The person that is already out in the marketplace and
15 is a user of quick service restaurants, we are able to
16 garner a greater share if we can show them that McDonald's
17 can offer him a convenience or a service that one of our
18 competitors cannot. That is, essentially, why we advertise
19 and the message that we advertise.
21 Q. There have not always been quick service restaurants
22 though, has there?
23 A. That is correct.
25 Q. So people must have changed their habits to come there at
26 all?
27 A. That is correct. Lifestyle changes and other changes
28 make quick service restaurants an alternative means of
29 getting their meal occasions.
31 Q. So, obviously, you can change people's eating habits?
32 A. Yes, we can and when an industry does not exist, but in
33 a mature industry like you have in the United States, this
34 is the marketing strategy. You know, if we are a brand new
35 concept, then we, as I discussed yesterday, advertise the
36 concept, the experience and what McDonald's stand for, and
37 then people choose to use it or not.
39 Q. You have changed people's eating habits, have you not?
40 A. Certainly people use McDonald's now that did not use
41 McDonald's 50 years ago.
43 Q. Right, and that is something that you would hope would
44 continue?
45 A. I hope and continue that McDonald's continues to grow
46 its share of the marketplace, yes.
48 Q. And that customers who do not use quick service restaurants
49 might start coming and using them?
50 A. If McDonald's can offer them a service or an attribute
51 that they believe that they like and they can partake of
52 that, yes.
54 Q. Right, ones that do not use them very often, quick service
55 restaurants in general, might come to McDonald's more
56 frequently than they do; that is something you would hope
57 for as well?
58 A. If one of the goods or services or attributes that I
59 advertise convinces someone to use McDonald's that has
60 never used McDonald's before, yes, that is good, that is