Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 49
1 time, I think is what the report is saying.
3 MS. STEEL: What does a combination meal mean, then?
4 A. Within this context?
6 Q. Yes.
7 A. I think either we are just talking about what do most
8 people actually purchase in that particular transaction.
9 What do they look at; what I am going to have that at this
10 particular sitting? From that example, at breakfast time
11 period, the majority of the people only have two things:
12 they have a breakfast sandwich and they have a beverage.
14 Q. Then carry-out customers are more likely just to have only
15 an entree?
16 A. Right. Usually, if you are carrying out, especially at
17 breakfast, you will have the beverage usually at the
18 destination. For example, if you are carrying it to work,
19 you will have coffee at your work destination.
21 Q. Turning over to page 208, the fourth dot down: "French
22 fries remain the most popular item from the regular
23 menu." There is more one way of reading that. Do most
24 people purchase fries with their other purchases?
25 A. Yes. In the main, I think most people do purchase
26 fries with their other sandwich. I think what they are
27 meaning by that, when they talk about "penetration", it
28 means just looking at all customers who come in for the
29 lunch time period, what percentage of them order french
30 fries; and that would be the highest percentage across all
31 people who come in; the one item that would have the
32 highest percentage would be french fries.
34 Q. Then two paragraphs down:
36 "Entree, fries, and beverage continues to be most popular
37 regular menu combination, purchased by over 2 out of 5
38 customers. Penetration of this combination is highest for
39 lunch and declines by daypart. Furthermore, purchase of
40 this combination is highest among the Ronald segment (0-7)
41 and Tweens (8-13) and declines with age. Happy Meal
42 purchases represent some of this penetration among the
43 younger customers."
45 I do not know -- have you any comment to make?
46 A. I think it is pretty self-evident there, what it says.
47 I would agree with its outcome. It has changed a bit now,
48 because we have more meal combinations for the rest of the
49 day.
51 Q. The next paragraph is about "combo" meals. I am still not
52 one hundred per cent clear what a "combo meal" is?
53 A. Okay. I think there are two words here. Maybe I can
54 help out. A meal combination, the way that I believe the
55 Walker report is using it, is just an arithmetic decision
56 of what combinations do people usually buy within the
57 restaurant. That is how she uses a meal combination. A
58 "combo" is actually a priced meal combination on the menu
59 board that combines the three items of a sandwich, a fry
60 and a drink. Sometimes there are other meal combos, as