Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 19
1 meant to be an exact copy of any kind of illegal or illicit
2 activity.
4 MS. STEEL: If we just go on to the 1990 version, page 138?
5 A. Yes.
7 Q. "The Fry Kids. The Fry Guys and Fry Girls are lovable
8 comfortable bundles of fluff with eyes and legs, whose main
9 goal in life is to enjoy McDonald's french fries go.
10 They'll do almost anything to get a bag of fries. But the
11 Fry Guys and Fry Girls go about getting fries in different
12 ways."
14 Do you think that is a good role model, someone whose main
15 goal in life is to enjoy McDonald's french fries?
16 A. Again, I believe that they use this characterisation as
17 part of the overall characters within McDonaldland.
18 I think they play a very lovable role within the context of
19 McDonaldland.
21 Q. "The Fry Guys are always direct. They'll grab the fries
22 right out of Ronald's hand (saying thank you, of course),
23 and then run away giggling to enjoy their treat elsewhere.
24 The Fry Girls are more subtle, but no less eager. They'll
25 get Ronald to unwittingly give them fries by some elaborate
26 ploy. For example, they'll enter a contest where fries are
27 the prize and then bend the rules to make sure they win.
28 But it's all in spirit of fun, and they do it because they
29 love fries so much they just can't help themselves."
31 What about that; do you think that provides a useful role
32 model, as well?
33 A. I think, again, it is within the same context of any
34 kind of enjoyment that you would find at a circus or any
35 kind of way that characters are portrayed within the
36 context of the overall situation of Ronald and clowns.
38 Q. When you look at the last paragraph, it says:
40 "The Fry Guys and Fry Girls are just kids. They're very
41 active and are into everything that young kids are into."
42 A. Yes.
44 Q. Is that the sort of thing that-----
45 A. Again, I think it is part of their persona.
47 Q. You want children to identify with these characters?
48 A. We want children to have fun with these characters,
49 yes. I do not think they specifically identify with each
50 and every one of their actions, but certainly they identify
51 with the roles that they play and the activity, and as a
52 foil to ronald mcdonald.
54 Q. The paragraph above: "In any case, Ronald will always
55 catch the Fry Kids at their own game, make them give back
56 ill gotten fries gently remind them that taking things is a
57 no-no and then given them some fries anyway as a gesture of
58 friendship."
60 Do you think that that is a good idea, to suggest to