Day 016 - 22 Jul 94 - Page 34
Q. Right. Would you accept that the reason a lot of
2 additives is used is because we are eating highly
processed foods, whether or not you consider that is a
3 problem?
A. Yes, I think it is probably fair comment to say that
4 many of the reasons for using additives are derived from
the fact that the foods themselves are being processed.
Q. Right.
6 A. But, do not forget, we sometimes do use what are
considered additives in home cooking as well. For
7 example, I sometimes make soda bread. In order to do that
you have to put in sodium bicarbonate and cream of tartar
8 in order to get the carbon dioxide bubbles to make it
rise. So it is not something that is necessarily
9 restricted only to processing.
10 Q. Right, but by and large that is the reason why they are
11 A. Yes.
12 Q. Then on the next page you are talking about prolonged
storage -- another reason for using additives?
13 A. Which page are we now?
14 Q. 59.
A. Which position on the page?
Q. Right at the top.
16 A. Oh, yes. That is right.
17 Q. So again that is connected with rather than having a diet
based on, sort of, fresh food that you eat as soon as you
18 can after it has been picked or harvested or whatever?
A. Yes, I mean, clearly, we do need to store some food.
Q. Yes.
20 A. For logistical purposes and because of seasonal
variation and what is actually produced; in some cases we
21 will bring food from abroad.
22 Q. Then prolonged storage for something like soft drinks
which, presumably, is to help the companies that are
23 selling soft drinks so -----
A. Well, it is a question of logistics.
Q. Then another example is in D, to give colour to foods
25 which would otherwise be colourless. You give some
examples there, boiled sweets?
26 A. Again I am quoting from that report in 1979. That is
really a summary of the official position taken on
27 colouring at that time.
28 Q. You agree with it though?
A. I am just drawing the court's attention to it because,
29 in fact, it has actually changed a little bit and you can
see that the Food Advisory Committee more or less
30 reinforced that position, and then further down you will
see that the current position as laid down by the EC is