Day 010 - 11 Jul 94 - Page 29

     1        A.  OK.  Let us see now.  We would begin with, it would be
              under a headline "Looking beyond CFC".
         MR. MORRIS:  OK.  That is on the right column on the first
     3        page?
              A.  The quote: As much as 50 to 60 per cent PS food"----
         Q.   That is the second sentence under that heading "Looking
     5        beyond CFC"?
              A.  Yes: "As much as 50 to 60 per cent of PS food
     6        containers are, in fact, foamed with hydrocarbons".
              Skipping along to the next paragraph, let me actually
     7        continue with that quote:  "50 to 60 per cent of
              polystyrene food containers are, in fact, foamed with
     8        hydrocarbons, processors say; and many of McDonald's
              food-packaging suppliers, including Mobil, the largest,
     9        use hydrocarbons".
    10        Then there is a quote from Ken Koziol for Perseco:  "'A
              substantial portion of McDonald's containers have been
    11        made with isopentane.  That is why we are confident there
              will be no problem in phasing out CFC-12'".  The next
    12        paragraph in the middle of it, the statement, the article
              continues:  "Chief among the cost".
         Q.   Read the first sentence as well.
    14        A.  I will read the whole paragraph or the relevant
              section:  "Conversion to hydrocarbons, however, carries
    15        with it costs that even the largest processor might find
              formidable.  Chief among these is the expense of
    16        outfitting a plant to safeguard against the materials'
              flammability and to contain their vaporous emissions.
    17        Processors who convert will need to  'explosion proof'
              electrical connections on their machinery, make special
    18        provisions for storage of the chemical, and increase the
              number of fire safety devices in their plants, users and
    19        suppliers of the chemicals say. "
    20        It goes on: "Because hydrocarbon emissions are linked with
              low level atmospheric pollution, processors must also have
    21        recovery systems in place to vent fumes from the air.
              Hydrocarbon emissions are also subject to the EPA's clean
    22        air standards, thus adding a regulatory dimension to the
              chemical's use".
         Q.   Read the last sentence:  "In some parts of the US"?
    24        A.  "In some parts of the US (notably southern California)
              there is concern that hydrocarbons could be restricted if
    25        EPA prescribed clean air goals for an area are not met".
              It is worth noting clean air goals have been coming into 
    26        effect in various parts of the United States requiring 
              that these municipal areas come into compliance with clean 
    27        air standards and because of their smog problems they are
              not in compliance.  So the point is that these blowing
    28        agents, pentane blowing agents, can cause smog.
    29   Q.   So, in your opinion, is it fair to say that McDonald's
              temporary use of CFC-22, HCFC-22, instead of CFCs was the
    30        cost implications of moving directly to pentane?

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