Day 010 - 11 Jul 94 - Page 02

         MISS STEEL:  I call Mr. Lipsett.
                               Mr. Lipsett, Affirmed
     3                       Examined by the defendants.
     4   MISS STEEL:  Can you tell the court your name and address,
     5        A.  My name is Brian G Lipsett and my address is 136, West
              Pine Grove Road, Pine Grove Mills, Pennsylvania, 16868.
         Q.   What is your current position?
     7        A.  I am the organising director of the Environmental
              Background Information Centre.
         Q.   Could you tell us a little bit about what that
     9        organisation does, please?
              A.  The Environmental Background Information Centre was
    10        set up as a non-profit organisation which is specifically
              designed and geared towards providing people with
    11        background research and information on corporations and
              individuals that are involved in or could be involved in
    12        projects that may be considered harmful to the environment
              or may result in environmental damage.
         Q.   I do not know if you could tell us briefly about your
    14        education.  There is no need to go into great detail.
              A.  I finished high school in the US education system in
    15        1979.  I went on to receive an under graduate degree in
              history.  In 1983 I completed that.  I am currently a PhD
    16        candidate at Penn State University in the study of
              administration of justice.
         Q.   What is your particular area of interest in that?
    18        A.  Well, in the study of administration of justice, in
              the programme there are three areas.  The area I am
    19        focusing on is the way in which organisations and
              corporations interact with the legal system.
         Q.   I will just go through your volunteering professional
    21        experience.  In 1983 it is right that you were a founding
              member of the Maine Citizens Coalition on Toxics?
    22        A.  That is correct.
    23   Q.   In 1984 you were a canvasser for the Maine People's
    24        A.  That is correct.
    25   Q.   From 1985 to 1986 you were an executive board member of
              the Maine People's Alliance? 
    26        A.  That is right. 
    27   Q.   In 1986 you were a consultant to the Maine Nuclear
              Referendum Committee?
    28        A.  That is correct.
    29   Q.   And you are also a consultant to the Citizens' Clearing
              House for Hazardous Waste?
    30        A.  Yes.

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