Organise Your Task Force


First of all you will need to form a task force of key objectors who are willing to give up time, some money (cost of phone calls, letters etc.) and their lives (temporarily) to lead the campaign.

As you will see on our advice pages, your campaign should include the following:


Why All This?

Doing any one of these in isolation is unlikely to win the case because:

These aspects are equally important – your power comes from using a combination of the tactics we suggest. Use them well. If you do any other successful activities not in our advice pages, please let us know so that we can include them for the benefit of other communities.


Organising Your Task Force

Don’t expect more than a handful of key people at the beginning, you will probably get more people as time goes on and your campaign gathers momentum. All good campaigns have to start somewhere!



Contact and network with other communities via Stop The Store. Great for moral support – and you may find others who have ideas that you haven’t thought of. Keep in touch with what’s happening at McDonald’s generally via McSpotlight. Join the McLibel mailing list to receive news about McDonald’s and its activities.


See also:

Understand the planning related issues

Write letters of objection

Lobby local politicians and other influential groups

Organise a petition

Mobilise people to fight the application

Set up a publicity machine

Research other legal issues

Get ready to fight McDonald’s appeal

How to occupy the site

How to run a campaign

STS home page