In recent years, McDonald’s has become less successful at winning appeals and often now withdraws from an appeal before it is heard, does not appeal at all or withdraws the original planning application in the face of strong local opposition. See the following examples.
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 99/06/21APP/K3605/A/98/1013162/P |
ADDRESS : Hinchley Wood PH, Manor Rd, Hinchley Wood |
AUTHORITY : Elmbridge |
Drive thru on A3 site-access and increased traffic detrimental to pedestrian safety and residential amenity-proposed carriageway box marking scheme undesirable-McDs traffic forecasts understated/residents concerns higher traffic flows found merit. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 01/09 |
ADDRESS : Heads of Valley Rd, Abergavenny |
AUTHORITY : Monmouthshire |
Fast food restaurant edge of town-damage to town centre viability/pedestrian safety. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 01/10 |
ADDRESS : White Blackbird PH, Loudwater |
AUTHORITY : High Wycombe |
Drive-thru restaurant on A3 site-Increased traffic/congestion/noise/rowdiness/signage out of keeping/residential amenity. APPEAL WITHDRAWN |
APPLICANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 01/04 |
ADDRESS : Heath Garage, Beaulieu Rd |
AUTHORITY : New Forest |
Drive-thru restaurant on motor workshop site-Increased traffic/congestion/noise/contradicts local plan/inadequate road capacity/residential amenity/litter-traffic detrimental to Forest animals-council refused. NO APPEAL |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 99/11 |
ADDRESS : Hungry Horse PH, Shaftesbury Circle |
AUTHORITY : Harrow |
Drive-round car park on A3 site-Increased traffic/congestion/pedestrian safety/exit by bus stop/local school amenity. APPEAL WITHDRAWN |
APPLICANT : Greene King |
REF/DATE : 00/07 |
ADDRESS : Molly Maguires PH, Harrow Weald |
AUTHORITY : Harrow |
Drive-round car park on A3 site-Site being prepared for sale to McDonald’s/increased traffic/congestion/pedestrian safety/detrimental to bus operations. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN |
APPLICANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 00/05 |
ADDRESS : Texaco garage, Little Missenden |
AUTHORITY : Little Missenden |
Drive-thru to quiet side road restaurant inc. purchase of Texaco site-increased traffic/traffic blackspot/council recommend refuse. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/03/27 |
ADDRESS : Bath Rd, Slough |
AUTHORITY : Slough |
Extension to restaurant seating area, 40% increase-highway safety/traffic flows/McDs traffic projections underestimated. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 99/03/24APP/R0335/A/98/1013122 R0335/H/98/1845 R0335/H/98/1844 |
ADDRESS : The Keep PH, Wildrings Rd |
AUTHORITY : Bracknell |
4 schemes for lighting, signage and advertisements; a) plant, lighting in car park and refuse enclosure-in keeping with area-no amenity problem, Allowed, b) pole sign – out of character of area, Dismissed, c) wall and roof signs, no amenity harm, Allowed, d) internally illuminated signs, no amenity harm, Allowed. SPLIT DECISION |
APPLICANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/11 |
ADDRESS : The Keep PH, Wildrings Rd |
AUTHORITY : Bracknell |
Drive-thru restaurant on A3 site-noise/pollution/residential amenity/increased traffic/detrimental to wildlife in adjacent park-council refused. NO APPEAL |
APPLICANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 97/07 |
ADDRESS : Priory Rd/Alexandra Palace |
AUTHORITY : Haringey |
Drive-thru restaurant – increased traffic/litter/contrary to local plan. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN |
APPELLANT : Norfolk House Group plc |
REF/DATE : 89/01/12 |
ADDRESS : Jcn A40/B4063, Golden Valley roundabout |
AUTHORITY : Cheltenham |
Drive thru McDs service restaurant/filling stn-haulage depot site-green belt/A40(T)-no strategic need for devt/existing use not eyesore-reduction of fragile gap/would cause congestion at roundabout. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 91/07/18 |
ADDRESS : Tollgate Retail Park, Stanway |
AUTHORITY : Colchester |
Adverts and roof light beans at drive thru restaurant/take-away-modern retail park-important to retain cohesive advertising displays/too aggressive-only internally illuminated signs allowed. SPLIT DECISION |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 92/05/29 |
ADDRESS : Mile End Rd/Cambridge heath Rd, E1 |
AUTHORITY : Tower Hamlets |
Restaurant with drive thru facility-internal illuminated logos & conservation area consent for demolition of building-issues-street picture/conservation area/setting of listed almshouses. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 94/04/14 |
ADDRESS : 583-385 Woolwich Rd, SE7 |
AUTHORITY : Greenwich |
Drive thru restaurant/take away-site on main road 2km from town centre-allocation for B1 or B2 industry-would prejudice employment development of adjacent land. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 94/08/24 |
ADDRESS : 197/201 Narborough Rd |
AUTHORITY : Leicester |
Drive-thru restaurant-within shopping centre-redevelopment in emerging plan-filling stn site-A3 concentration alleged but substantial difference-would complement present A1 & stimulate trade-but evening activity/traffic disturbance/fumes/amenity loss to adjacent residents conservation area-traffic congestion hazard. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 97/02/05 |
ADDRESS : jcn 31, M6, Nr Preston |
AUTHORITY : South Ribble |
Drive thru restaurant (250sqm) at motorway jcn island site in green belt-inappropriate development-claimed A59 realignment had incorporated, proposed site within existing development-still open land-would consolidate/extend built development-harm green belt openness-no need/extant parking places nearby. APPEAL DISMISSED |
APPELLANT : Moorfield Estates |
REF/DATE : 97/07/29 |
ADDRESS : North Quay Retail Park, Peto Way, Lowestoft |
AUTHORITY : Waveney |
2 952 sqm retail units & 232sqm drive thru restaurant at retail park on edge of coastal town-prejudicial to vitality/viability of proposed retail devt close town centre. APPEAL DISMISSED |
McDonald’s used to win most of their appeals – particularly when local objectors fought on the grounds of litter, noise and smells. These concerns tend to be mitigated by ‘conditions’ and the appeal is then allowed. See the following examples.
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 85/08/01 |
ADDRESS : 336 Wilmslow Rd, Fallowfield |
AUTHORITY : Manchester |
Fast food rest/drive thru-filling stn/garage site with parking places for fast food restaurant-shopping centre fringe-noise/hours/amenity issues-little additional harm from drive thru facility than extant-ok with screening/8-23.00 hours/litter bins/smell mitigation condition. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 87/07/08 |
ADDRESS : 865-873 High Rd, Leytonstone |
Fast food restaurant/drive thru-site former department store-effect on town centre/future pedestrianisation/traffic generation issues-centre at ‘low ebb’-would assist vitality. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 87/10/06 |
ADDRESS : 869-875 St Albans Rd, Garston |
AUTHORITY : Watford |
Fast food restaurant/drive thru-residential area-some noise but other nearby restaurant and ambient noise from N.Orbital Rd/ok if 2300 closing-no tail back onto highway likely-litter a general problem. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 88/10/26 |
ADDRESS : Cannon Cinema, Bristol Rd |
AUTHORITY : Birmingham |
McDs drive thru city approach-former cinema/landmark site-parking places for restaurant only-street scene/scale/design issues-local authority notes std design applied-2300 closing applied-objections not compelling although no costs award for design objection contrary to ministerial advice. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 89/10/13 |
ADDRESS : Jcn Westmorland Way & Forum Way, Cramlington |
AUTHORITY : Blyth Valley |
Drive thru restaurant-fringe centre-consideration of alternative sites rejected-no antisocial behaviour likely-no serious litter/smell problems/no loss residential amenity-could attract trade to town-2300 closure required. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 90/11/22 |
ADDRESS : Preston New Rd/Cherry Tree Road North, Blackpool |
AUTHORITY : Blackpool |
Restaurant Class A3/drive-thru-ex industrial site in mixed use area-external noise insufficient to reject/little additional congestion-parking adequate/no coaches would use-jobs benefit. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 91/10/08 |
ADDRESS : York Rd, Killingbeck |
Drive thru restaurant (Class A3)-in curtilage of ASDA superstore-issues-highway safety/adequacy of parking-parking space standards argument. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : M Swanwick & Co |
REF/DATE : 91/10/25 |
ADDRESS : Various sites, Stratford Rd, Shirley |
AUTHORITY : Solihull |
3 sites same road-office developments one with drive thru restaurant-from residential/adjacent shopping centre-emerging UDP-outside office allocation area/piecemeal redevelopment creating amenity loss/highway improvements premature-restaurant would harm residential amenity by noise/signs. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 92/06/16 |
ADDRESS : A355 Shirley Rd, Southampton |
AUTHORITY : Southampton |
Restaurant with drive-thru facilities-redevelopment of industrial sites/parking places for retail warehouse-new access-does not prejudice future development of adjacent land-no harm to residential amenity from noise/antisocial behaviour/disturbance-0700-2300 hours condition. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 94/04/29 |
ADDRESS : Hope and Anchor OH, Twickenham Rd, Hanworth |
AUTHORITY : Hounslow |
Fast food drive thru/take away/restaurant-redevelopment of pub on busy roundabout in mixed community residential area-no loss of community facility-no more loss of residential amenity than authorised pub use-no increase in traffic/pedestrian hazard. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 95/01/09 |
ADDRESS : Jcn Bromsgrov Rd & Vine Ln, Halesowe |
AUTHORITY : Dudley |
Drive thru restaurant-noise measurements & disturbance from forecourt discussed-high ambient/acceptable with an acoustic barrier-pedestrian safety/traffic congestion ok with new signalling on gyratory system-possible rowdyism matter for public order-job gain-hours condition. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 95/07/28 |
ADDRESS : Crawley Ave, West Green |
AUTHORITY : Crawley |
Drive thru hot food take away in car park of supermarket/DIY in mixed suburban area-loss of parking ok-little loss of residential amenity due to noise/traffic generation. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : Lanham Devts Doncaster |
REF/DATE : 95/12/19 |
ADDRESS : Jcn York Rd/Sprotsborough Rd |
AUTHORITY : Doncaster |
Retail warehouse/drive thru hot food take away (tot 1835 sqm)-car sales land by existing out of centre retail park-no impact harm on town centre-no harm to residential amenity-NRA objection that site in flood relief channel rejected/footprint less than existing. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : Central&Provincial/Gowring |
REF/DATE : 96/02/02 |
ADDRESS : Jcn Greenham Rd & Queens Rd |
AUTHORITY : Newbury |
2 nonfood (2090 sqm) drive thru-filling stn site-500m/edge of centre, separated by busy A34(T)-highway issue-CC&H agency ok but authority overrides-congestion/premature to new bypass alleged-but only modest increased traffic generated/agreement for roundabout & close existing accesses-delay unjustified. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 96/04/11 |
ADDRESS : 3 Horseshoes PH, Marsh Rd |
Drive thru hot food take away redevelopment of former pub in mainly residential area of town-adequate servicing/parking space-no conflict/hazard if delivery hours restricted by condition. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 97/03/03 |
ADDRESS : Milngavie Rd, Bearsden |
AUTHORITY : E. Dunbartonshire |
Condition-hrs of restaurant/drive thru-disputed condition requires closure at 2300 for 1 year trial period-this condition not reasonable/not necessary/relevant in terms of conditions circular tests-permanent limitation to 2300 hours given to protect residential amenity. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : BR Properties |
REF/DATE : 97/03/11 |
ADDRESS : Gushetfaulds & Crown St, Cathcart Rd |
AUTHORITY : Glasgow |
Mixed retail/leisure/business/industrial development; call in for non food retail units/2 drive thrus/PFS site; former good yard & car showroom complex/site; factory site-both out of centre-aid to regeneration-public transport ok-need-traffic generation ok. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 97/05/08 |
ADDRESS : Wakes Rd/Bull Head St, Wigston |
AUTHORITY : Oadby & Wigston |
Drive thru restaurant-edge of centre site (100-350m walking distance)-seq test satisfied-sustainable-60 jobs created-no exacerbation of traffic conditions-antisocial behaviour/litter not planning matters-smell/lighting problems controlled by conditions. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : Oakgate Group&Others |
REF/DATE : 97/06/27 |
ADDRESS : Jockey Lane/Julia Avenue, Monks Cross |
Pub/restaurant; Pub/drive-thru-vacant site in mixed city edge area-industrial land loss alleged but slow take-up/overprovision-only identified in nonstatutory list-small scale-para 1.16/PPG6 more relevant than seq test-accessibility/public transport ok-multi-purpose trips. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : Total Oil GB Ltd |
REF/DATE : 97/07/09 |
ADDRESS : Brighton Rd, Shoreham-by-Sea |
Filling stn redevelopment inc shop & A3-edge residential area-set back on site 430 sqm bldg from previous 940 sqm-new vehicle circulation/queuing noise & disturbance for drive thru issue-rowdyism unlikely with hrs condition-plexiglass ‘soundstop’ acoustic screen would reduce noise/headlight glare. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : Fulcrum Property |
REF/DATE : 97/08/07 |
ADDRESS : Turton/Kay/Waterloo Sts |
AUTHORITY : Bolton |
8 non food retail units/garden centre/2 diners (1 drive thru)-19110sqm gross in all-edge centre-loss employment land only issue-physical and economic regeneration benefits outweigh immediate loss. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : Bayford Devts |
REF/DATE : 97/09/25 |
ADDRESS : Thorne Rd |
AUTHORITY : Doncaster |
Call in 1265 sqm foodstore/1233sqm non food stores/drive thru hot food take away on 1.5ha on edge of town-no harm due to loss of industrial land-no harm to vitality/viability of nearby shopping centres-good public transport access. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/02/18 |
ADDRESS : West Wellow service Area, A36, Ower |
AUTHORITY : New Forest |
Extension * additional parking to McDs drive thru at filling stn-no intrusion into rural area/NFHA-no residential amenity harm-would ease present congestion. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/02/12 |
ADDRESS : Nightingale Rd, Hitchin |
AUTHORITY : N Hersfordshire |
Drive thru-part of railway sidings site allocation as whole for nonfood park-ok/useful ancillary service-not prem to res realloc-small part of site-highway safety ok-activity/noise/disturb/litter ok with hrs & bin provision conditions-rowdysim unlikely. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/03/02 |
ADDRESS : 170 The Broadway, Southall |
AUTHORITY : Ealing |
Fast food/drive thru-vacant site-not authority preferred but appropriate development in Southall strat centre/no firm alternative proposals-evening economic/regeneration benefit-employment gain-walk to/linked trips/air quality/min increased traffic generation: sustainable development-design ok/listed church setting enhanced-hrs. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/03/20 |
ADDRESS : Sewardstone Rd, Chingford |
AUTHORITY : Waltham Forest |
Drive-thru lane at fast food restaurant-non stat accessibility policy-increased traffic generation no affect-right turn traffic hazard/pedestrian safety ok with wks-no increased emissions risk-doubt would meet PPG6 if new building, but minor conflict/highway works. Gains outweigh. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/05/13T/APP/P5870/A/97/287750/P7 |
ADDRESS : London Rd, North Cheam |
AUTHORITY : Sutton |
Fast food outlet-free standing drive thru at filling station site-within suburban retail area-conditions would mitigate noise/amenity harm-agreement to provide CCTV would reduce anti-social behaviour risk-litter problem not significant-PPG13 re increased car journeys ok. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 98/05/27 |
ADDRESS : 336-370 Wandsworth Rd, Clapham |
AUTHORITY : Lambeth |
Drive thru restaurant-inner urban area-redevelopment filling stn/lock up garages-sustainable-would not cause traffic congestion-noise/disturb ok given high ambient levels-setting listed buildings would be improved-highly suitable location. Appeal Allowed |
APPELLANT : McDonald’s |
REF/DATE : 00/02/04APP/W5780/A/99/1034104 |
ADDRESS : High Rd, Seven Kings |
AUTHORITY : Redbridge |
Drive thru restaurant on supermarket car park site-highway safety/congestion increased traffic within capacity of road-sustainable, multi-purpose trips- no local policy to discourage car borne traffic in suburban town centres-noise/disturb/litter ok. Appeal Allowed |