Campaigning Resources - Slogans

These are just a few examples of slogans that you might use on leaflets, placards, t-shirts, posters, in chants, songs, etc... Whatever you can think of, your imagination is the only limit.
We at McSpotlight hope the resources provided here will give people ideas to incorporate into their own campaigns and struggles for as better world.


McLitter Pollutes our Environment

McProfits Starving the Poor

McTorture Abusing Animals

Big Mac Heart Attack

Big Mac on the Grill

Artery clogging Arch Delux

Exploitation in a bun

Grease Burger

Same McDonalds Same McLies

Fight Corporate Censorship

Stop Exploitation of People Animals and the Environment

Fight for Health, Ecology, Human and Animal Liberation

If you have any suggestions of other slogans, please send them in to McSpotlight, and we'll include them in this list.