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McLibel Support Campaign P R E S S . R E L E A S E . 16/05/00 MCDONALD'S CONTINUING CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL CLIMATE DAMAGE In recent years it has become accepted that global warming is already starting to have serious, long-term catastrophic effects on the earth's climate. A further warning was issued by the UK Round Table on Sustainable Development on May 11th 2000 which said that the warning signals are now 'flashing red' but the world 'is still proceeding at a reckless pace towards disaster'. In a report issued on April 6th 2000 the McDonald's Corporation was condemned as a 'dirty sponsor' of this year's Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia in September. The Report, which exposes the Corporation's use of global warming refridgerants, has been compiled by Greenpeace Australia [see details below]. It also condemns refridgeration systems used by Coca Cola. London Greenpeace / McLibel Support Campaign, 5 Caledonian Rd, London N1 9DX Tel/Fax +44 (0)171 713 1269 mclibel@globalnet.co.uk Release - May 16th, 2000 McDONALD'S AND ITS CONTINUING CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL WARMING AND environmentAL DESTRUCTION In recent years it has become accepted that global warming is already starting to have serious, long-term catastrophic effects on the earth's climate. A further warning was issued by the UK Round Table on Sustainable Development on May 11th 2000 which said that the warning signals are now 'flashing red' but the world 'is still proceeding at a reckless pace towards disaster'. In a report issued on April 6th 2000 the McDonald's Corporation was condemned as a 'dirty sponsor' of this year's Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia in September. The Report, which exposes the Corporation's use of global warming refridgerants, has been compiled by Greenpeace Australia [see details below]. It also condemns refridgeration systems used by Coca Cola. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE INDUSTRIAL CAUSES OF ozone DESTRUCTION AND GLOBAL WARMING, AND McDONALD'S CONTRIBUTION The ozone Crisis The use of CFCs and HCFCs, and thesedays HFCs in industrial production is one of the primary causes of the serious threats to our planetary climate. Following environmental protests, in 1978 the US Senate banned the use of CFC blowing agents employed in the manufacture of aerosols. But industrial production and use continued, especially as a blowing agent in polystyrene/styrofoam and as coolants in refridgeration processes. One major industry responsible for this is the meat and meat products industry, and its growing practice of using less and less fresh products and more and more processed products, transported over long distances and finally using environmentally-destructive packaging. McDonald's, the world's largest promoter of processed beef products, has ensured the continued use of huge amounts of refridgeration machinery and coolant materials - in the slaughterhouses, manufacturing plants and transportation fleets which supply their meat products, and in their storage areas in their local stores. This includes the use of massive volumes of CFC and now HFC chemicals [see Olympics Report, and note about UK storage systems, below]. Refridgeration systems also use vast amounts of electricity and therefore also contribute to the burning of fossil fuels and global warming. In the mid-1980's, environmentalists demanded a total ban on CFCs. There was a large and successful 'McToxics' campaign which focussed on McDonald's as the largest user of polystyrene foam fast food packaging. Friends of the Earth launched a boycott of McDonald's in the UK. (Even McDonald's own expert in the McLibel case was forced to admit that the volume of the company's CFC/HCFC usage at that time for their packaging alone was 'significant'). By the late 1980's, even governments were forced to recognise the dangers and the 'Montreal Convention' agreed that CFC usage should be ended. Industry began using HCFCs as an 'alternative', but they are also a potent ozone-depleting gas. McDonald's in the USA and UK abandoned CFCs in packaging, but in 1989 the Corporation was STILL using packaging containing CFCs and HCFCs in 29 countries. Despite issuing a load of 'greenwash' propaganda in the late 1980's and onwards about how much the Corporation cared about the ozone layer, McDonald's were amazingly still using such packaging in Hong Kong, Turkey and the Philippines in the late 1990s during the McLibel trial [no current data available]. A world-wide production freeze on HCFCs was finally agreed in 1996, and global warming HFCs were the chemical companies' new choice for a replacement. The thinning out of the ozone layer in the atmosphere remains one of the world's major environmental crises. On Wednesday April 5th 2000 a report by scientists from US, Europe, Russia, Canada and Japan warned that between January and March 2000 there were cumulative losses of 60% in the fluctuating ozone layer over Northern Europe. The Global Warming Crisis Meanwhile, HFC usage in industrial refridgeration continues unabated. The main concern of the chemical companies has been to protect profits by producing other patented gases like HFCs and ensuring that real alternatives or effective sanctions against them are not considered. [See at end for details about HFCs]. In 1997 the UN 'Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change' finally accepted the need to cut global HFC usage. In Denmark, all commmercial use of HFC chemicals will be banned from 2003 onwards. (It is interesting to note that McDonald's has installed 100% 'Greenfreeze' non-ozone-depleting/non-global-warming refrigeration in its 2 stores in the high-profile Millennium Dome in London). During attempts by Greenpeace Australia to discuss these issues with McDopnald's, while drafting their report, McDonald's refused to disclose any statistics on their current HFC usage, or any deadlines for conversion to alternatives.
London Greenpeace/McLibel Support Campaign
________________________________________________________________________________________ MSC Note: London Greenpeace is an independent collective, the original such group in Europe. It is not affiliated to Greenpeace International of which Greenpeace Australia is a branch. .................... Greenpeace Australia, Ph (02) 9261 4666, Fax (02) 9261 4588 www.greenpeace.org.au ACN 002 643 852 OLYMPIC SPONSORS DIRTYING THE GREEN GAMES Sydney, Thursday, April 6, 2000: Greenpeace has revealed that two of the major sponsors of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, are undermining the environmental Guidelines for the world’s first Green Games. In a report launched today, Green Olympics, Dirty Sponsors: How McDonald's and Coca-Cola's global HFC pollution is undermining the world's first Green Games at the Sydney Olympics, Greenpeace states that McDonald's and Coca-Cola are dirtying the Games by using global warming hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) throughout the Olympic site. The official Guidelines call for an HFC-free Olympic site. “Back in 1992, when Sydney bid for the Games in Monte Carlo it pledged that these would be the very first Green Games,” said Greenpeace campaigner, Corin Millais. "With this came the commitment to eliminate HFCs from Homebush. Yet, Olympic sponsors Coca-Cola and McDonald’s are contravening the Guidelines by choosing to use global warming HFCs in their refrigeration systems at the Olympic site," he said. "Green refrigeration alternatives are available. These companies can adopt green practices if they choose to. By selecting HFC refrigeration and ignoring available Greenfreeze alternatives the companies will directly contribute to global climate change - one of the most serious environmental threats facing the planet today.” HFCs are one of the most potent global warming gases ever invented. They are manufactured by the same companies which made CFCs. On average over 20 years, one tonne of HFC causes 3,300 times more climate change destruction than one tonne of carbon dioxide. “Coca-Cola and McDonald’s have an obligation to the spirit of the Green Games and to the third pillar of Olympism - the environment. They must commit to 100% Greenfreeze technology at the Sydney 2000 Games, take responsibility for their impact on our environment and abandon their global corporate policies of using HFCs,” said Millais.
Green Olympics, Dirty Sponsors: How McDonald's and Coca-Cola's global HFC pollution is undermining the world's first Green Games at the Sydney Olympics will be available Thursday, April 6, 2000, at www.greenpeace.org.au For further information contact Lynne Minion on 0408 268 024 or (02) 9263 0314. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greenpeace Australia, Ph (02) 9261 4666, Fax (02) 9261 4588 www.greenpeace.org.au ACN 002 643 852 COCA COLA AND McDONALD'S OLYMPIC CLAIMS A COP-OUT Sydney. Thursday April 6, 2000: Greenpeace calls on Olympic sponsors McDonald's and Coca-Cola to install only HFC-free Greenfreeze refrigeration at the Sydney 2000 Olympics site in compliance with the environmental Guidelines. "It is a cop out for Coca-Cola and McDonald's to claim environmentally friendly alternatives are not available," said Greenpeace campaigner, Corin Millais. "The fact is that the official policies of these companies are to buy HFC equipment. Their policies are the impediment, they can buy Greenfreeze equipment if they change their policy." The sponsors' claims come in response to the release today of Greenpeace's report, Green Olympics, Dirty Sponsors, which reveals that McDonald's and Coca-Cola will undermine the 1992 environmental Guidelines for the 2000 Olympics by using greenhouse polluting HFC gases. The Guidelines specifically state that the Olympics must be HFC-free. “The suggestion that HFC-free refrigeration can't be used for the Sydney 2000 Olympics is appalling given that these sponsors have had eight years to order this equipment,” said Corin Millais. "In that time Greenpeace has worked with other businesses to commercialise 45 million Greenfreeze fridges. Clearly it can be done." “McDonald's has installed environmentally friendly Greenfreeze refrigeration in the Millennium Dome in London. It has two 100% Greenfreeze restaurants there. The Millennium Dome had over half a million visitors in March alone. If it is good enough for the UK it should be good enough for Sydney's Green Games,” said Millais. “The Greenfreeze industry provides a wide range of refrigeration equipment. There are over one hundred different models available commercially. Corporations with the purchasing power of McDonald's and Coca-Cola would find their commercial needs met if they actually placed orders." Other companies have installed Greenfreeze commercial equipment around the world. They include Tip Top Bread, Esso, IKEA, British Airways, UK retailers Sainsburys and Tescos and Campbell's soup. There is no regulatory impediment to the use of Greenfreeze equipment in Australia. In Denmark the government will phase out HFCs by 2006 and has banned HFCs for commercial refrigeration equipment from 2003. ENDS Green Olympics, Dirty Sponsors: How McDonald's and Coca-Cola's global HFC pollution is undermining the world's first Green Games at the Sydney Olympics is available at www.greenpeace.org.au For further information contact Lynne Minion on 0408 268 024 or (02) 9263 0314. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Note from London, UK: McDONALD'S UK TO CHANGE TO 'CHEAPER' REFRIDGERANTS WHICH CONTINUE TO USE ozone-DAMAGING/GLOBAL WARMING CHEMICALS The McLibel Support Campaign has obtained a 1997 document published by the UK refridgerant company, Greencool. Entitled "McDonald's Restaurants Reduce The Cost Of Air-Conditioning With Greencool", it is an official Report detailing trials in 1996 at McDonald's Eastleigh and Horsham stores. The existing 'R22' refridgerant used in the air-conditioning water chillers was replaced by Greencool 'R411B'. The results were that 'R411B' was found to be generally more practical and use 25% less electricity, thereby reducing store fuel bills. The Report admits that greenhouse gas emissions from energy used in refridgeration systems contribute to global warming, but rather than admit that therefore McDonald's production systems are part of the problem, argue lamely that McDonald's responsibility for the climate damage caused will at least be reduced as a result of the conversion to the new, money-saving coolant. After auditing the results for McDonald's, Richard Melzack Associates advised the hamburger chain that "refridgerants should be assessed by examining their Total environmental Impact, the two environmental impacts being ozone depletion and greenhouse gas emissions. The best solution that refridgerant technology can offer at the present time is a low ozone depleting potential combined with highly significant energy efficiency. This objective has been achieved by Greencool R411B." In other words, he admits that the money-saving option has been chosen despite its 'ozone depleting' effects. Mr Keith Smith of McDonald's states that "Greencool R411B..will be our replacement refridgerant of choice until further notice". The company will therefore continue to contribute to the global environmental crisis. [Accurate as of 1998]
HFCs - POTENT GLOBAL WARMING GASES HFCs are chemicals invented as a substitute for CFCs and HCFCs - ozone-destroying gases that are being phased out worldwide. HFCs are mainly used in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. HFC are one of the most potent global warming gases ever invented. They are manufactured by the same companies that made CFCs. On average over 20 years, one tonne of HFC cause 3300 times more climate change destruction than one tonne of carbon dioxide. In 1997 the United Nations Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change was extended to include HFCs, identifying them as potent greenhouse gases whose emissions must be reduced by industrialised countries. According to United Nations projections for the year 2040, the global HFC market could reach 1.35 million tonnes per year – the equivalent of 15% of current fossil fuel emissions. The UK Government policy is to phase out HFCs as quickly as possible. The Australian environment department, environment Australia, states that HFCs “pose an issue for Australia’s efforts to meet our inter-national emissions commitments.”
HFCs also cause climate change and toxic pollution when manufactured, have dangerous health impacts and decom-pose in the atmosphere into the persistent toxin trifluo-roacetic acid (TFA).