Many nutritionists argue that the type of high fat, low fibre
diet promoted by McDonald's is linked to serious diseases such as
cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. The sort of diseases that
are now responsible for nearly three-quarters of premature deaths in
the western world. McDonald's respond that the scientific evidence is
not conclusive and that their food can be a valuable part of a
balanced diet.
Some people say McDonald's are entitled to sell junk food in exactly
the same way that chocolate or cream cake manufacturers do: if people
want to buy it that's their decision. But should McDonald's be allowed
to advertise their products as nutritious? Why do they sponsor sports
events when they sell unhealthy products? And what on earth are they
doing opening restaurants in hospitals?
tell me more
McDonald's case
Opening speech in the McLibel Trial
McFact Cards - detailed information about the business
Defendants' case
Opening speech in the McLibel Trial
Defence on nutrition.
Analysis of evidence heard in court
McLibel judgement
The verdict on heart disease and cancer
The verdict on food poisoning
Defendants' analysis of the verdict
NB. See the McLibel pages for more on the trial,
or the daily transcripts for the evidence heard in court.
McLibel witnesses
Complete list of witnesses
diet and disease
DF - Dr.Neal Barnard, US Physicians Cttee. - DIET & DISEASE
DF - Jane Brophy, dietition - HEALTH PROMOTION
DF - Dr.G. Cannon, World Cancer Res. - SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS, DIET
DF - Peter Cox, writer & researcher - UNETHICAL MARKETING
DF - Prof.Michael Crawford, dietary fat expert - CANCER
DF - Tim Lobstein, Food Commission - FOOD & HEALTH
DF - Dr.Eric Millstone, additives expert - FOOD ADDITIVES
DF - Dr.David Ryde, physician - DIET & DISEASE
PL - Sidney Arnott, St Bartholomew's Hospital - CANCER
PL - Alastair Fairgrieve, McD's - MARKETING
PL - Edward Oakley, McD's - GENERAL
PL - Ronald Walker, University of Surrey - CANCER & TOXICITY
PL - Verner Wheelock, Food policy consultant - NUTRITION
residues & food poisoning
DF - Dr.Stephen Dealler, microbiologist - BSE
DF - Marja-Liisa Hovi, official vet. - UNHYGIENIC SUPPLIER
DF - Richard North, Environmental Health Officer - POISONING RISKS
PL - John Atherton, McD's - FOOD POISONING
PL - Fernando Gonzalez, McD's - MEAT QUALITY
PL - Keith Kenny, McD's - FOOD QUALITY
PL - George Rummel, McD's - TYPHOID & E-COLI
PL=Plaintiffs' (McDonald's), DF=Defence (Morris & Steel)
press articles
See the Index of press cuttings for the most up to date articles.
Vet Fears Over McDonald's Beef
McDonald's 'Faces Libel Kiss Of Death'
Vegetarians Risk Health, Court Told
McDonald's 'Deceived Customers'
McDonald's Adverts 'Were Misleading'
Big MacChief Says His Burgers Are Safe
McDonald's Chief Defends Fast Food
McDonald's Defends Its Fast Food In London Court
McDonald's 'Deceived Customers'
Libel trial hears tall story of Big Macs
McDonald's says Standards Exceed IUK Safety Limits Reuters News Agency; 21st March 96
Vet's Fears Over McDonald's BeefArticle on evidence of food safety witness Guardian, 31 March 95
Man Takes Bite Out of Fast Food Sandwich - and Gulps Down Half a Rodent
Parents to sue McDonald's over 'burger bug' death Sunday Times; 15th Sept 96
Infected children to sue over lethal food bugIndependent; 4th Dec 96
Arsenal Football Manager derides the effect of the McDonald's dietEvening Standard; 18 Oct 96
Stop Eating Beef, says Consumer Association PA News Agency; 22nd March
McDonald's Wises Up To The Poor Taste Of Wilted Lettuce The Guardian; 24 Dec 96
McDonald's & E.coli food poisoning Howe & Co Solicitors; 3rd Dec 96
McDonald's Sued Over Girl's DeathDaily Mail; 16th Sept 96
McDonald's publications
McFact Cards - Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Books and Reports
The Surgeon General's Report: Health and Nutrition
World Health Organistion: Diet, Nutrition & the Prevention of Chronic Diseases
Haemorrhagic Colitis (E.coli) Research Paper
The China Project - T Colin Campbell
Fast Food Facts - Tim Lobstein
Diet For A New America - John Robbins
Food and Health: The Experts Agree - Geoffrey Cannon
C. Campbell, World Cancer Research Fund
Tim Lobstein, Food Commission
H. Lyman, former top US cattle rancher
S. Gardner, Asst. Attorney Gen, Texas
Try the McDonald's section of the McSpotlight Debating Room.