- McSlop - E, Australia, March 05 19100
- Brainwashed Teens - Micheal McKenzie, Australia, March 01 19100
- Pate the Most Cruel Food - gooseguards, Fund For Animals Member, America, March 01 19100
- Drop outs - Larry Cooper , American, United States, February 28 19100
- Shooting fish in a barrel - Ari Sharp, Australia, February 23 19100
- Roast Ronald - Greg, Australia, February 23 19100
- Well La dee friggin dah! - Mythago, none, Canada, February 23 19100
- Discrimination - Leanne Smyth, None, N.Ireland, February 22 19100
- advertising - darragh mc namara, wales, February 22 19100
- Ohio's Governor Promotes McDonald's and Pfizer's - Child Protector, US, February 22 19100
- Pot isn't worth your time - Genni, WI, us, February 18 19100
- Too right. - Hot pot, February 22 19100
- mmmmkay? - mustang_of_fire, February 22 19100
- Government special interest - Manuel Paniagua, USA, February 14 19100
- PETA's Campaign to inform students about McD - PETA Supporter, USA, February 11 19100
- I just want to say something about McDonalds - Jerry Abdo, Mexico, February 09 19100
- real Marijuanna - Someone who Cares, February 08 19100
- 'More Burnt Fries Please' - Deep Dad Nine, February 07 19100
- Fast Food and Overweight - Child Defendant, USA, February 02 19100
- the sad side of amercia - missmisfit, america, January 31 19100
- In reference to the IQ test. - Andrew Quiroz, January 30 19100
- About IQ Tests... - Someone, Everything and Everyone, Canada, January 29 19100
- looking for information - erika, ccpa, canada, January 24 19100
- drop outs - Me, January 19 19100
- Hello everyone, a piece of my mind - Gina, High School Student, Canada, January 19 19100
- All of you school worshippers... go to hell! - Thanatos, Canada QC, January 17 19100
- Yeah But............ - Dana, Canada, January 14 19100
- everyone should blaze the dank - zac, shep. wv, usa, January 10 19100
- stay in school - taneika chapman, mospotlight, hamilton, January 10 19100
- Does Nike use child labour - Ella Henry, Canada, January 10 19100
- Does Nike use child labour - Ella Henry, Canada, January 10 19100
- Does Nike use child labour - Ella Henry, Canada, January 10 19100
- meat is murder - starbelly, January 10 19100
- No research required - John Bingham, USA, January 10 19100
- The grass is greener on this side..... - Melissa, Canada, December 27 1999
- stop CHILD LABOUR - Ella Henry, Canada, December 23 1999
- Swedish proposal to ban kid ads throughout EU - Maria in Montréal, Québec - Canada, December 21 1999
- sweat shops - Shree McGlocklin, usa, December 20 1999
- The Sad Fact - Dre Z. Bernard, USA, December 18 1999
- What is it like to be in a sweatshop? - Bess, U.S.A., December 10 1999
- A reference - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, December 20 1999
- Yes Schol Does Suck - Mike Anzel, December 10 1999
- The effects of marijuanna - Joseph C. Bliss Jr., myself, United States of America, December 10 1999
- kids and McDonalds - lee ann ward, usa, December 07 1999
- walmart - jrowell, none, canada, December 07 1999
- sweat shops - jrowell, none, canada, December 07 1999
- School Sucks - The Dude, USA, December 06 1999
- Treatment of Employees - Damo, School, Wales, December 03 1999
- WalMart Sucks - Tootsie Moesch, December 02 1999
- Hong Kong Children's High Cholesterol Linked to McDonald's and other fast food - SS, BMC, USA, December 01 1999
- COLLEGE = $$$$$$$ - dan, none, usa, November 30 1999
- High School Shootings - Liz, USA, November 26 1999
- tou two are arguing over something that is irrelevant - tyler , punx , usa , November 26 1999
- school,and supporting yourself - tyler , punx , usa, November 26 1999
- Pester Power - Kris, MICA, India, November 24 1999
- Unbelievable Naivity - amazed, United States, November 19 1999
- religion in public schools; why is it so biased?? - lys, canada, November 19 1999
- Legalizing - John , My own, United States, November 19 1999
- Why is marijuanna illegal? - Jon Tamer, student, USA, November 16 1999
- legalising marijuana - in favour of, australia, November 16 1999
- legalization of marijuana - Ian Morris, canada, November 15 1999
- Hello - Elizabeth, November 15 1999
- cruelty to cows? - Mother Moo, cow cocky, oz, November 15 1999
- Usa, not U.S.A., is it a country? - Civi, United States of America, November 07 1999
- crush mcscum - steve knight, adelaide australia, November 05 1999
- Collarado killings, Colombine high - megan, Aust, Australia, November 04 1999
- PESTERPOWER - Mr Button, student, England, November 03 1999
- home schooling, public school system - studly, faculty of education, canada, November 03 1999
- Television scams - McCall, U.S.A, Canada, November 01 1999
- looking for Info - mel, student , U.S., November 01 1999
- I think this lady has issues...... - Ms Ford, Canada, October 31 1999
- Ads - M, US, October 29 1999
- Now Hiring 15 year-olds - rosebud, ex-employee, usa, October 25 1999
- Legalize it! - Calisha, Students out to legalize, USA, October 22 1999
- Stop the sweat shops - Frannie , Irish, United states, October 22 1999
- YES I RECKON THEY'RE SHIT TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - DANIELLE, yes orgies rule, AUSTRALIA, October 22 1999
- Accuse the system - not the companies - Anna, Sweden, October 21 1999
- McDonald's Vs Children In Ohio - S Shriver, BMC, USA, October 20 1999
- pester power - denise kerr, teesside university, england, October 18 1999
- McWhoooo !!!! - Okay, USA, USA, October 17 1999
- Shut the whinging - Adam Dewar, England, October 11 1999
- driveway puts kids & community in danger - HOLDEN PARENT, holden school association, usa, October 10 1999
- driveway puts kids & community in danger - margie irwin, holden school association, usa, October 10 1999
- animal rights - green friend, middx, October 01 1999
- Safety at Kent, Ohio McDonalds - Holden School Association, September 16 1999
- It's all good..... - Belle Stevens, ????, Canada, September 15 1999
- Mc DO sucks... - DJ FALKOR, FRANCE, September 03 1999
- McD's and advertising - Kalvin Chapman, England, August 26 1999
- MCKILLER - Ktson, human, usa, August 25 1999
- INSPECTOR GADGIT - JODI, August 18 1999
- Supporting our sportspeople??? - High School Student, New Zealand, August 17 1999
- Have you been screwed by Macca's Monpoly!!!!! - Lucas, Australia, August 10 1999
- Yeah Baby - sierra, oz land, August 24 1999
- Inspector Gadget toy dissapoints kids who can't get all parts - TET, Oregon, USA, August 07 1999
- McDonalds makes Us Fat - Angela Beitz and Zoe Forge, School, Australia, August 06 1999
- Animal rights - Admiral kiwi, No, Australia, August 04 1999
- why marijuanna - luvcowboys, free world, united states, July 23 1999
- A hint - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, August 02 1999
- Sustainable living-without money - Claudia Chaney, USA, July 19 1999
- I agree - Pam, Pennsylvania, United States, July 16 1999
- nothing - JEFF, none, none, July 16 1999
- That is Fat! - Anomyous, Australia, July 14 1999
- Macca Destroys Coburgs Herritage - Macca destroys Coburg Herritage, Australia, June 27 1999
- They do not - Travis , USA, June 27 1999
- Hilgrove cat farm - jhon faust, none, england, June 22 1999
- sweat shops - mary willams, hong kong, June 22 1999
- Cheap & Shitty - Not intrested, June 15 1999
- Each to his own - John, USA, June 15 1999
- I ALSO AGREE - queenie, USA, June 08 1999
- vegetarians - manager, usa, June 06 1999
- Pictures - Coco, USA, May 26 1999
- Major companies - Carolyn Braunius, May 24 1999
- the mere thought of any assertion about sweatshops without proof - lilacskin, (student), United States, May 23 1999
- Mc Donalds is killing - megha , jlii, australia, May 20 1999
- Mc Spew - Liza Stephens, Ballarat Grammar, Australia, May 20 1999
- Caffeine Free Products - Roxie Bouknight, United States, May 13 1999
- smoking - ashley, girl, usa, May 12 1999
- poverty - BRouse, sfngfgh, Britian, May 12 1999
- Colorado killings/Why???? - Elesha/Slesh, Australia, May 11 1999
- Similarly, - kk zutter, Bank Street College, USA, May 11 1999
- Littleton, Colorado - Mike Bacon, DFW Area, TX, USA, May 07 1999
- Carrots and sticks are for jackasses - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, May 04 1999
- Child Labour - Matt, Canada, May 04 1999
- Wake up Honey - snoopies, Australia, May 04 1999
- HELP HELP HELP i need info on child slave labour!! - JeN, Australia, May 04 1999
- Duck Hunting - JeNNiFeR, Australia, April 29 1999
- Houston, We Have A Problem. - Deep Daddio Nine, April 28 1999
- child labor in latin america - mike/barb at home, america, April 27 1999
- Deaths in Littleton Colorado - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, April 23 1999
- Mainstream society is an authoritarian concept - Deep Daddio Nine, April 26 1999
- Hey! I dress in black! I must be a psycho Nazi nutter! - Gideon Hallett, UK, April 23 1999
- That's happening. - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, May 11 1999
- Re: Hey! I dress in black! I must be a psycho Nazi nutter! - katherine, UK, May 11 1999
- Consumerism is not safe - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, April 26 1999
- Piss in the cup - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, April 30 1999
- 15 points for Columbine High in Colorado - Deep Daddio Nine, April 23 1999
- Is this site about sweat shops, or mcdonald's? Argue over something that matters. - robin, Whs.org., usa, April 23 1999
- Sweat shops - orvil Panty, Canada, April 22 1999
- About that letter on Oct 13 - Genesis, none, U.S., April 19 1999
- NEED ANIMAL PICTURES - Shaughn, USA, April 18 1999
- School Project - Monica Gentry, USA, April 14 1999
- McDonalds converting Roy Rodgers into Mcdonalds - Henry Smith, April 12 1999
- no objective and no logic - Dr. Jekel, Drugs that make sense, Deutschland, April 12 1999
- Mcdonalds rules - LINC, MN, USA, April 08 1999
- high school drops outs - Ashanti Bowens, none, U.S.A, April 06 1999
- Mcdonalds is second largest corp. in food industry - indie, France against US Corporations, France, April 05 1999
- This is the best place I have eer lived - Ashley, Chid Of Celebration, USA, March 24 1999
- Hillgrove Farm - HELP our friendly feline furries, english, england, March 22 1999
- macdonald including all children - MCSpock, MCstarship , Thailand, March 16 1999
- McDonalds bought an entire district in Austalia - Reverent, Netherlands, March 16 1999
- education - joel becerra, albuquerque high school, new mexico ,usa, March 01 1999
- sweatshops - Tracy Lathrop, March 01 1999
- Attention: dropouts - Kari, Australia, March 01 1999
- A reading suggestion - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, March 04 1999
- Put THIS in your paper. - Deep Daddio Nine, March 02 1999
- Right on Daddio - Chris, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, March 05 1999
- Thanks, but I'm haven't even BEGUN. - Deep Daddio Nine, March 06 1999
- It all comes down to this one question - Shaun, BK, USA, March 09 1999
- Re: school is not cool. - Chris, college of edjunkification, UofS, Canada, March 08 1999
- To do what? - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, March 08 1999
- Bitch, plan, and flatten their reputation - Deep Daddio Nine, March 11 1999
- One more thing... - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, March 26 1999
- a footnote on Freire - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, March 26 1999
- A short response - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, March 16 1999
- i realized what a bunch of bullshit it was - jen, usa, March 02 1999
- just following - lila, March 01 1999
- i say smoke up,drink,sniff whatever! - kerri, UsA, February 27 1999
- Response to High School Sucks... - Tish, February 26 1999
- what is so cool about smoking - rene, hispanic/black, newyork, February 25 1999
- hello!!! it is just a restrauant - Susan Artup, Australia, February 24 1999
- kids in sweat shops - Jenny Lyons, caccasion, USA, February 23 1999
- dugs - Angela Stallkamp, usa, February 23 1999
- Your wrong - francais carl roy, french, canada, April 12 1999
- I don't! - Björn, Sweden, February 24 1999
- maybe ,maybe not. - shaun, lily, australia, February 24 1999
- high school drop outs - Angela , usa, February 23 1999
- you are a puppet to them stay out of trap! - J.N. of KY, X-McD Supervisor, U.S.A., February 22 1999
- I know more than most can even guess. - J.N. of KY, McDonalds U.S.A., U.S.A., February 22 1999
- single parent - c jefferson, human race, united states, February 17 1999
- Right on! - lisa, Pa, usa, February 16 1999
- Vegetarianism - James Earl, Canada, February 16 1999
- U.S. democratic? - Raf Reyskens, SJW, Belgium, February 16 1999
- Weed messed up my life - Brooke Segerdahl, United States, February 15 1999
- SO TRUE! - shaun, lily, australia, February 24 1999
- Abolish the public school system - Deep Daddio Nine , February 15 1999
- EXCUSE ME - LYNN HOLT, NONE, USA, February 12 1999
- McDonalds Origin - P Edelbrock, USA, February 12 1999
- Class Project - Holly, Canada, February 11 1999
- Bravo!!!! - Cody , American, American, February 10 1999
- just to talk - KarrynChotka, Swan River, Manitoba, February 10 1999
- McDonalds - McDonalds Hater, February 08 1999
- High School Dropouts - eva, USA, February 01 1999
- child labor - Karoline Kim, South Korea, February 01 1999
- Duck Hunting -- for or against? - Shelby Sims, Ridgetown Public School, Canada, January 28 1999
- marijuanna - David Tabarovsky, USA, January 25 1999
- LMFAO.... - jc, Government, US, January 24 1999
- school - andrew mcbride, canadian, vancover canada, January 24 1999
- A response to the Happy Meal toyholder - McMaster Students Against Sweatshops, Students Against Sweatshops, Canada, January 21 1999
- Single Parenting - Lynn, Vancouver,BC, Canada, January 19 1999
- Amen to the previous Message - Maurice, None, USA, January 19 1999
- I HATE COKE!!! - Jennifer, Australia, January 18 1999
- have to say that I agree with you 100% ! - nickispice, canada, March 25 1999
- I don't want a monopolizing company like Coke to have ANY - JeNNiFeR, Australia, January 29 1999
- Then don't drink it! - Mike Bacon, North Texas, USA, January 20 1999
- Whats all the negativity? - dead on arrival, -, usa, January 19 1999
- reply to money milking moms - Angry mom, US, January 16 1999
- 3rd world labor - kate, usa, January 15 1999
- Child Slave Labor News - Joann Fantina, Immaculata, USA, January 15 1999
- Live McLibel Web Event - Rex, McSpotlight, UK, January 14 1999
- High School Dropouts-What Happened? - Meryl, City High School, U.S.A, January 14 1999
- Dropping out Of High School - Courtney, U.S., January 08 1999
- My own private McDonalds - Linda, No Ho, Ca, usa, January 04 1999
- McDonalds sucks - Matija Majcen, 23.12.1998-, croatia, December 23 1998
- Child Labor in China - Annemarie Rich, New Jersey, December 17 1998
- Money-Milking-Moms - Sanders, December 11 1998
- help - Anonymous, Utah, U.S., December 12 1998
- Whats wrong with you people?! - McMadman, U.S.A #1, December 10 1998
- Privacy? - Ryan , USA, USA, December 10 1998
- Hah hah hah!!! - MCD, Finland, December 06 1998
- sexist??? - J. Walsh, Canada, December 04 1998
- marijuana - cheech, french, franse, December 04 1998
- What is the underlying solution to sweatshops? - Lisa, SpComm,CSUF, USA, December 03 1998
- Mcdonald gender problem - Melissa, December 03 1998
- you sweat - Ceddy, none, us, December 02 1998
- child labor - Michael, US, December 02 1998
- Children in Sweatshops - Jessica, AOL , USA, December 01 1998
- To big for their own good.. - Jeffrey, Oklahoma City, USA, November 27 1998
- Child Labor - terry szymanski, szyent, USA, November 25 1998
- Sweat Shops - Cher, Canada, November 25 1998
- comments about local McDonalds - Anita Huber, former McDonald's manager, US, November 25 1998
- Corporate bastards that are greedy for money!!! - Richelle, November 24 1998
- hey man - BlackAcid6, USA, November 22 1998
- Suzanne is my kinda girl. - Troy, none, Colorado, USA , November 22 1998
- McDonalds bathroom - Debra Novak, Ill., U.S., November 22 1998
- hey i dont like mcey d's either - superwoman_01, November 17 1998
- You are all psychos - Nudist Colony!!!, Canada, November 16 1998
- crappy McDonalds - Debra Novak, Ill., U.S., November 16 1998
- McDonalds - Debra Novak, November 14 1998
- Mcdonalds sucks - Anon, USA, November 14 1998
- United States of America - Patricus Ioannes Pollock, Sacrosancta Romana Ecclesia, United States of America, November 13 1998
- mcdonalds - Tanya, us, November 13 1998
- drugs - Cory Thill, Lake Villa, USA, November 13 1998
- Nike sweat shop - Cat Noseworthy, Canada, November 13 1998
- Schooling, Community, and McWorld (much better version) - Samuel Day Fassbinder, Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA, November 12 1998
- 'Deadbeat Dads' etc - McSpotlight, November 07 1998
- droping out. - christian segura, canada, November 04 1998
- McDonalds - Kimmith Smithie, human, Canada, November 04 1998
- You should put down you joint - maria, spain, spain, November 04 1998
- disgusting condition of two mcdonalds in one day. - carole, usa, October 31 1998
- Single mothers complaining about child support. - Kelley, October 30 1998
- deadbeat dads - kasey, united states, October 27 1998
- deadbeat dads - stan, america, america, October 26 1998
- Australia's child labor views - Cameron Abel, Wilson High School, U.S.A., October 23 1998
- Info on Kids - Anand, Student, October 23 1998
- legalization of marijuana - Jeff Lietzke, none, US, October 23 1998
- drugs - you'llnever KNow, student, usa, October 16 1998
- Dead Beats - Rhonda McNeely, Canada, October 14 1998
- McDonalds In Pasadena, TX - Mario Perez, USA, October 12 1998
- canibalism - sanjeev philip, alpha arts and science college, india, October 08 1998
- Adidas' sweat shops - Kevin and Eric, Amnesty International, USA, October 06 1998
- THE USES OF MARIJUANNA - Eric Currey, October 06 1998
- Legal or not, marijuanna is great. - Tianca, usa, December 19 1999
- It should be legal, controlled, and cheap. - Ross Martin, Cuyahoga, November 09 1999
- Weed has never killed anyone. - Matt Esposito, None of you buisness, USA, November 03 1999
- the goverment would prosper GREATLY by selling it to people over 21... - ask and ill tell, February 19 1999
- sweat shop are wrong - potts, usa, October 03 1998
- McDonalds - Johnny O, McDees, UK, October 02 1998
- E. Coli scare - Michele, September 29 1998
- I hate maccas ( and I don't just mean the food). - Lydia, Australia, September 27 1998
- Hmm. - Cynic, US, September 28 1998
- Ronald McDonald is the childrens friend at day but in the evening he murders animals! - Johannes Nylund, sweden, September 26 1998
- McDonalds - Missy, September 24 1998
- What? - austin, everywhere, USA, September 14 1998
- McDonald's stuff - RuthH, None, USA, September 11 1998
- Beef Haters - Veggie, USA, September 04 1998
- Do you think it is good to have on your resume that you have worked at McDonalds? - Gavin Rossdale, Ireland, September 04 1998
- Mc evil - joe, England, September 01 1998
- Excuse Me! - Heather Hensley, August 26 1998
- Deadbeat Parents - Jana Cooley, Portland , OR, USA, August 26 1998
- scared of Ronald McDonald? - !#$%^*()_+!@#$%^*(), August 21 1998
- Take Me Out to McDonald's - Bill Sims, USA, August 21 1998
- Piecework - Brett Attmore, none, United States of America, August 11 1998
- McDonalds exploits - Bosco, Guegue , Nicaragua, August 06 1998
- child labor - bruce o logan, pse of w, usa, August 04 1998
- They're really sux!!!!! - sidsad, unorg, malaysia, August 02 1998
- They're really sux!!!!! - sidsad, unorg, malaysia, August 02 1998
- McDonald's Is Our Life - Ally, School, New Zealand, July 27 1998
- conspiracy - Morbeus, -None-, USA, July 27 1998
- How Bad it really is. - emerson, USA/Canada, July 23 1998
- Canada Dry - Alan McBray, UK, July 23 1998
- My Mum's Cooking - Sean, London, July 22 1998
- McDonald's beef - George, none, USA, July 21 1998
- McDonalds is full of teenyboppers - Christopher Micik, n/a, Australia, July 16 1998
- Pester Power - Barbara Pickel, European Business School, London - UK, July 07 1998
- pics - Chris, U.S.A., July 06 1998
- Heart-vs-Lungs - Joe, USA, July 06 1998
- The alternatives to school - Chris Burrell, USA, July 01 1998
- child support - tracy, July 01 1998
- over weight in astralia - Tammy White, n/a, usa, June 30 1998
- New Site Dedicated Exclusively to Child Support - K. Blake, USA, June 30 1998
- New Site Dedicated to Child Support - K. Blake, USA, June 30 1998
- higscool dropouts - splash , June 30 1998
- Two Deadbeats ! LOOSERS!!! - Kirsten Robertson, USA, June 30 1998
- Non payment of Child Support - Kent A. Burnett, USA, June 29 1998
- Deadbeat dads Ref: Poor single mom - jade018, working mom, usa, June 26 1998
- Mulan commercials - Asian dude, usa, June 22 1998
- McDonalds for drop outs: reply - ES, England, June 19 1998
- Rip Off - Loretta Klose, USA, June 19 1998
- divorced parents - Ben Masters, USA, June 18 1998
- McDonalds, the nightmare resturant. - Rosie, Australian, Australia, June 17 1998
- child labor - Liz, June 16 1998
- child labor - scott, Brisbane, Australia, June 15 1998
- Mcdonalds is pretty cool - Heather, USA, June 11 1998
- Happy meals - Dad, June 11 1998
- violence in youth is reflective of today's society - Angel eyes, June 08 1998
- High School Age - E brown, Debating team, USA, June 08 1998
- Dropping out of school - S Pauly, US, June 03 1998
- Deadbeat Parents and webpage for help - Granny, USA, June 02 1998
- The value of a Dime - Tim Veto, June 01 1998
- High School Dropouts - Erin Lilley, United States, June 01 1998
- child labor - michele, usa, June 01 1998
- deadbeat mother - Robin Embry , Talladega, Alabama , America, June 01 1998
- Child support calculation in Conn. - Dan, Maine, Cumberland, June 01 1998
- sweatshops - mohammed , momoney, pakistan, May 27 1998
- my mcdonalds has scholarship programs - tara, mcd, usa, May 26 1998
- sweat shops - Tasha, usa, May 26 1998
- Are nations evr justified in going to war? - Renee, Canada, May 23 1998
- Looks Good - Joann Fantina, Immcaulata, May 20 1998
- Mcdonalds - Jeff Jarret, May 20 1998
- High scool dropouts - Aaliya, Australia, May 20 1998
- child labor - nick litterst, perquimans, North Carolina, United States of America, May 15 1998
- communism? - Peter Frank, New Jersey, USA, May 13 1998
- McDonalds isn't so bad! - rowanda, United States, May 12 1998
- it might have to do with everyone - emilie, May 12 1998
- Child Labor - Arda Açýl, Baskent University, Turkey, May 11 1998
- Human Rights Violations/Child Labor - Madeline Giscombe, Illinois, USA, May 08 1998
- Budweiser Frogs will not be put on the endangered list! - Tina Thompson, USA, May 07 1998
- mcdonalds sux shit - Lee Taylor, Australia, May 04 1998
- droping out of school - Martinique Eloian, USA, May 01 1998
- all the kids that dropout of school are LOSERS - Martinique Eloian, USA, May 01 1998
- it is a rather harsh generalization that you are making. - Laura, USA, December 16 1998
- Can go both ways. - Cynic, US, August 11 1998
- it was the best thing I ever did - Dad, June 11 1998
- No way! - Lindsay Kreamelmeyer, Ohio, U.S.A., December 30 1998
- stay in school! - Lindsay Kreamelmeyer, Ohio, U.S.A., December 30 1998
- you are in no position to be telling other people - Orion Kraus, United States, May 22 1998
- Way to stick up for your meat!! - maxchurch, mcd, usa, April 30 1998
- Sweatshops - Kathleen, U.S., April 27 1998
- you are wrong - Oliver Clothesoff, People for Child Labor inc., Albania, April 27 1998
- Deadbeat Dad - TELCO, TRACEPRO, WORLD, April 26 1998
- an abnormal hatred of McDonald's - Azhure, Australia, April 26 1998
- Mcdonalds - Budd, United States, April 23 1998
- Deadbeat Father - Anonymous, April 15 1998
- debate on mcdonalds - caboose, nz national youth network, new zealand, April 06 1998
- Will you be my debating penpal????? - DaK1484, New Zealand, April 03 1998
- Mc Donalds - Darah, USA, April 03 1998
- Free children unite and stop sweatshops - Adrienne, US, March 30 1998
- My fat children - parent, -, -, March 21 1998
- Deabeat Father - Gerry, USA, March 20 1998
- Let the children smoke - Lester, Moe, Colorado, U.S.A., March 20 1998
- Are you for real?!!! - Mike Bacon, Texas, USA, April 03 1998
- you coming back for more? - wise one, US of A, March 28 1998
- NO DRUGS ALLOWED...PERIOD!! - BASE727{very mad cow patrol), Windsor Ont Can., March 21 1998
- Why don't you take the time to educate yourself on the realities of drugs - Tom, January 11 19100
- I enjoy the occasional smoke. - savage, n/a, usa, December 06 1999
- if you took a few drags - Adela R. Haddock, Jersey City, November 10 1998
- Yeah! - David Tabarovsky, USA, January 27 1999
- I can't think for myself - Idiot Joe, Anti-Freedom Foundation, The Republic of Losers, June 30 1998
- No zero tolerance allowed - period! - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, United Snakes of AmeriKKKa, March 27 1998
- These are all drugs - GERARD, Socs, N.Ireland, March 23 1998
- mcdonalds - Robin Harvey, Taste good why not?, USA, March 18 1998
- another deadbeat father - justine, united steates of america, March 17 1998
- another deadbeat father - justine, united steates of america, March 17 1998
- Wonder of wonders - Rankin Fitch, American Tobacco Exporters, USA, March 16 1998
- kids and McDonalds - Kate Raso, Ontario, Canada, March 10 1998
- Searching for high school dropouts - Melissa Master, Across the Board Magazine, USA, March 07 1998
- Response to your education letter - Ellis Bryan, none, USA ,TN, February 27 1998
- MacDonald's Meat.. - Drew the Vegetable, USA, February 22 1998
- injury at indoor playground - julia, mom, usa, February 20 1998
- her's a conversation i found. - Ariel Tavori, colorado, U.S.A, February 06 1998
- childsupport - gay, usa, February 04 1998
- So, McDonald's REALLY sucks... - Anni, Finland, January 27 1998
- McDonalds Service - jhg, maryland, USA, January 27 1998
- the toys are made in SWEATSHOPS!!! - Megan Zottoli, January 23 1998
- Child Slave Labor - Dana Bonanne, United States, January 23 1998
- pictures of sweatshops - Steve Ballaro, America, U.S.A., January 22 1998
- Available Jobs for High School Drop-outs - Jay Brown, USA, January 18 1998
- reebok child labor - martha, January 18 1998
- William Jack White -- deadbeat dad - McPherson, USA, January 16 1998
- Mcdonalds sucks - Benjamin Carp, USA, January 06 1998
- something better to write about - jenny, Australia, February 21 19100
- You have to be kidding. - Observer, Mcdee, USA, June 19 1999
- How to really screw Mcdonalds - Bill Klare, Earth First!, USA, April 05 1999
- WRONG!!! - Debra Novak, Ill., U.S., November 22 1998
- i hate ronald mcdonald - cassie, none, usa, May 19 1998
- unhealthy in some way - Sucks not, January 10 1998
- Re: Mcdonalds sucks - worker, Finland, January 07 1998
- Mcdonalds does suck... - Worker, U.S., December 10 1999
- okay? - Vegetarian, U.S., April 26 1999
- Re: Mcdonalds sucks - Cornholio, Shit, Canada, March 25 1999
- people can say what they want - Jason Hensley, United States, December 10 1998
- Happy Meal Toys - Kendall, USA, January 06 1998
- Did somebody say McMurder - Sunshine, Future Of the World, US 'o' A, January 05 1998
- say we hate mcdees!! - Elizabeth, December 31 1997
- McSpotlight, WAFWOT - perrywdwrk, USA, December 31 1997
- Counteracting the Happy Meal Syndrome - Sissy, USA, December 31 1997
- DEADBEAT DADS - Sandy, mother, usa, December 16 1997
- highschool dropouts - Louis Stejskal, Pawnee Heights High School, USA, December 04 1997
- Future? Ha! - na, na, na, February 24 1999
- High School SUCKS - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, December 06 1997
- High School SUCKS, but - Locke, February 24 1999
- public school, in my opinion, is satan in action. - Dad, June 11 1998
- School is what you put into it. - Tisha, United States, January 29 1999
- GET A CLUE!! - AsphyxiA, south africa, December 20 1999
- BULL! - Someone With a Brain, USA, December 07 1999
- fun in school - thei, san francisco, ca, October 14 1998
- lessons of school - Cynic, US, August 16 1998
- public education... AKA HELL!!!! - Sarah Baker, USA, December 08 1997
- McDonald's Food - Becky, Creata Promotion, Australia, December 03 1997
- McDonald's toys are SEXIST - alexis, USA, December 03 1997
- Read this and get a grip or a job!! - Iworktheir, USA, December 02 1997
- Young kids smoking - Suzanne, December 02 1997
- sweat shops - KAT, U.S., December 01 1997
- preach on - Reignbow_Bright, U.S, U.S., December 01 1997
- VegSpotlight: infants and Vegan hypocrisy - Rocky, VegSpotlight, Australia, December 01 1997
- What is there to debate about????? - EDWARD HO, Student in Switzerland, Singapore / Switzerland, December 01 1997
- Number of People That go to McDonald's - Lisa, USA, December 01 1997
- C'mere little kiddy! - The Everett Citizen, IWW, OBU, November 26 1997
- Mcdonalds........ - Fred Bloggs, Australia, November 02 1997
- You people are McNuts? Or McWhat? - JohnM., Canada, October 29 1997
- Deadbeat Dad - Jay Canals, Florida, USA, October 21 1997
- Deadbeat Parents, a possible answer. - Chris Green, GreenInk, USA, October 16 1997
- Kid's groups - Chris Monk, na, UK, October 06 1997
- Deadbeat dad - Adam Prince, Italy, October 04 1997
- look out - suchi , columbia journalism school, ny, usa, October 02 1997
- Ronald McDonald the child-molesting clown - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, September 22 1997
- You obviously have too much time on your hands. - MaryJane , USA, August 21 1998
- He's just an annoying guy - Drew the Lacto-Vegetarian, Cool , USA, March 04 1998
- you make all activists look like heartless fools - angry parent, usa, September 23 1997
- typical bomb threats from this intellectual giant - Ekaf Eman, Australia, October 13 1997
- Go ahead, McDonalds, MAKE MY DAY!!! - Luke Kuhn , Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, September 24 1997
- Stuff Maccas !! Help our debate!!!!! - Jessica Graham, Baimbridge Debaters, Australia, September 19 1998
- McDonalds is a plague. - Dan Scribner, Albany, NY USA, May 07 1998
- Rock on brother! - Jimi Runglebuzz, New Zealand, June 15 1998
- Fuck Coke! - mat miller, anti-coca-cola foundation, US, November 04 1998
- I highly doubt that you even know how to read - Mike Rovere, Mcdonalds, Canada, April 17 1998
- Just say NO - L.Ross, Canada, September 22 1997
- bad parents - Kathy, Australia, September 16 1997
- Weird stuff - Federico Serrano, Travel Magazine, USA, September 05 1997
- nervous - Ekaf Eman, Australia, October 13 1997
- McDeath - Cheese lovers, Macca's fans, Australia, August 11 1997
- deadbeat dads - John Thompson, CANADA, August 10 1997
- School Haters must be allowed to leave-or trouble ensues - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA , July 09 1997
- way too much time on your hands - better things to do, my own, u.s, July 08 1997
- HAPPY DEAD COW ??? - David Silverman, United Kingdom, June 28 1997
- Dear Charlie.... - Siamak, UK, June 23 1997
- Hyper-sensitive are you? - M.G. Wright, U.S. Male, USA, June 23 1997
- How could you work for a corporation like this? - Rowan, Vegetarian Youth Network, U.S.A., June 21 1997
- Deception=Death - Tovah, Vegetarian Youth Network, USA, June 21 1997
- biased? - Gareth , -, UK, June 24 1997
- Unhappy Low grade Meals, The flies will eat it! - JP Cline, MidNight Surfer, Nederland, June 20 1997
- false advetising - sir bernard lovell, school, June 19 1997
- Calm Down! - DarwinX, yes, Canada, June 19 1997
- playground - gloria miller, June 16 1997
- McDonald's milkshakes - Howard Reagan, June 15 1997
- McDonalds is crap! - Jamie Lee, kelp, Australia, June 11 1997
- happy meal toys - sarah b, May 30 1997
- Go choke on your happy meal toys! - Laura, USA, December 09 1999
- Re: happy meal toys - Karen Miano, usa, January 23 1998
- made in sweatshops! - SARAH LAWRENCE, me, australia, November 26 1997
- Your ignorance is your escape - Ekaf Eman, Australia, October 13 1997
- Re: happy meal toys - jd, usa, June 13 1997
- no comprehension of how an economy evolves - trf, June 21 1997
- Third world, sweat shops, ridiculously low wages - Ekaf Eman, Australia, October 13 1997
- educate yourself before you spout such nonsense. - Anita Mann, USA, September 14 1999
- A Global Gilded Age - Jennifer Melien Brooks, University Students Against Sweatshops, USA, August 02 1999
- Wake up Idiots - Cynthia Moreno, USA, May 22 1999
- TO Ekaf - Paul Barry, mine, USA, March 08 1999
- a basic disrespect of human rights - Mister T., none, USA, March 08 1999
- Someone always tries to justify third-world labor exploitation - Nathan, brat magazine, USA, January 18 1999
- information of how sweatshops are helping countries - Jon Berger, student, USA, March 23 1998
- Re: Third world, sweat shops, ridiculously low wages - Cyber Merv , December 17 1997
- economic evolution - Chris Baker, November 25 1997
- Jus because our economy evoloved in exploitative ways, dosen't mean others do too. - Jennifer Keller, July 02 1997
- Re: happy meal toys - owen, USA, June 21 1997
- meat is murder - martin svensson, sweden, May 23 1997
- McMurder - zOrg, Singapore, May 22 1997
- Veggie burgers - NSpang, USA, May 18 1997
- Veggie burgers - NSpang, USA, May 18 1997
- The food! - Francesca, U.S.A, May 17 1997
- senior citizen discount!? - Ryan, USA, May 11 1997
- Survey--please help! - Olivia Leland, Student, Harvard University, USA, May 03 1997
- Mickey D's - Jeremiah Jordan, USA, May 02 1997
- Piss Poor Customer Service - McDonalds Sucks , USA, April 24 1997
- McDonalds RULES and U know it!!!! - Totally Pissed, U.s, April 23 1997
- Dirty - Bob Price, USA, April 21 1997
- re: High School Dropouts - Employee, McDonalds, USA, April 18 1997
- McDonalds - Snoop, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, April 11 1997
- burgers taste like shit - XXXdavidXXX, singapore, April 09 1997
- high school dropouts - Casee, Jaime, Jason, Lucus, english class, usa, April 07 1997
- so what...... i kinda like the clown! - Molly, USA, April 06 1997
- Shut up! - Audry, McDonalds Employee, us, April 05 1997
- Beef - bad for us and the environment - corey, ALF, USA, September 01 1997
- You obviously have no idea what this site is about - Stephen Psallidas, UK, April 15 1997
- Re: Shut up! - Casee, Jaime, Jason, Lucus, english class, usa, April 07 1997
- Animals rule! - McAnimalLover, Canada, March 25 1997
- In an ideal world... - Ari Sharp, Australia, February 28 19100
- It ain't Ronald's fault. Be fair! - Mad Monzer, Westminster School, England, April 08 1997
- Ronny - McTacoBell, McPrin, US, March 27 1997
- Re: Animals do rule - Andy, US, March 27 1997
- mcdonalds - miguel, germany, March 20 1997
- i hate mcdonalds - search - Jason, Hamilton, Canada, March 14 1997
- You know you want to read me - Allison, USA, March 13 1997
- saturation - Laura, Canada, March 12 1997
- mcdonalds and seniors - pigpen , canada, March 02 1997
- McDonalds, McCheap, McCancer, McMurder, McDeath. - Can't tell. It's a secret., February 18 1997
- the place is falling apart - Damo, School, Wales, December 03 1999
- we dont need meat to survive so why do it? - Dave, da ill niggas of waldwick, nj, keplackistan (usa), July 19 1999
- Re: McDonalds, McCheap, McCancer, McMurder, McDeath. - Elizabeth, December 31 1997
- Re: McDonalds, McCheap, McCancer, McMurder, McDeath. - des, oåp, sweden, May 14 1997
- I hate McDonalds. - Shh! It's a secret!, February 18 1997
- Does anyone have any anti-madonald pics? - Ari/ant, canada, February 15 1997
- Open letter to NBC Sponsers (McDonalds) Re: Deadbeat Dads - james r. blackston, usa, February 08 1997
- Kids Toys as Future Employee Training - Danica Michels, USA, February 07 1997
- Kids: targets in McDonald's commerical shooting gallery - Beth Wallace, U.S., February 01 1997
- veggie burgers/kid's tastes - Iweridd, USA, December 13 1996
- uneducated workforce - Gill, westminster university, UK, December 11 1996
- Health of children - Cheryl Summers, United States, December 08 1996
- Leaflets at school - Pete, UK, November 24 1996
- Leafleting my School - K, November 24 1996
- McFetus - margaret weston, USA, November 17 1996
- TOILET - Kaziu Z, Ratunek22, Polska, November 10 1996
- Dropouts at McDonalds? - Ben Gordon-Schlosberg , U.S.A., November 10 1996
- It is okay to take kids to McDonald's - C, Up North, November 09 1996
- We live in a throwaway, disposable society of adult 8th graders - Dad, June 11 1998
- Breeds consumerism into them - Ekaf Eman, Australia, October 13 1997
- Re: It is okay to take kids to McDonald's - betty, canada, April 16 1997
- Are you out of your mind? - Mark McKelvey, NASA, USA, March 07 1997
- Re: It is okay to take kids to McDonald's - Mark, Hong Kong , November 11 1996
- Exploiting Children - Peter Vere, Canadian Latin Mass Society, Canada, November 09 1996
- kids and mcdonalds - tai, usa, November 04 1996
- Keep up the good work - anne m. jacoby steina, norway, October 23 1996
- family time - Obadiah, University of Queensland, Australia, October 18 1996
- Happy Meal toys made with child labor? - rviray, usa, October 05 1996
- McDonald´s - Chris, Sweden, September 28 1996
- Parents and Kids Fightback Against Big Mac - Dave Morris, McLibel Defendant, and Tottenham, N.London resident, UK, September 01 1996
- McMurder's kids - Joonas Linkola, Finland, August 26 1996
- kids groups - andy collins, england, August 09 1996
- Re: kids groups - Sheffield Children Against McDonalds - SCAM, December 05 1996
- kids? - miriam, sweden, July 10 1996
- trademarks - Erika, Canada, June 26 1996
- kids and mcdonalds - A.J., student, canada, June 26 1996
- Re: kids and mcdonalds - Janet Frazier, USA, May 27 1997
- Re: kids and mcdonalds - Jenn L, Canada, November 08 1996
- Held hostage by the Golden Arches - BUCK, U.S.A., August 27 1996
- a magical side - chris, McDonalds, us, July 20 1996
- it keeps them happy, doesn't it? - Graham Donaldson, Teardrop Developments, England, July 01 1996
- Fast food blamed for fat Australian children. - Tom, UK, June 05 1996
- Stop blaming a restaurant when it's your fault!!!! - kendall, usa, January 06 1998
- I agree - me, US, October 28 1999
- Re: Fast food blamed for fat Australian children. - Ole Joergen Malm, Norway, March 30 1997
- Parents are to blame - Graham Donaldson, Teardrop Developments, England, July 01 1996
- Re: Parents are to blame - B.Blom, Univercity of Applied Agriculture-Foodscience/technology, The Netherlands, October 04 1996
- Re: Parents are to blame - B.Blom, Univercity of Applied Agriculture-Foodscience/technology, The Netherlands, October 04 1996
- My dad is in court with McDonald's - Charlie, UK, May 02 1996