[ beyond mcdonald's ]
PepsiCo in the McSpotlight

| What's Wrong With PepsiCo? | Opposition & Campaigns | Company Profile |

PepsiCo Inc. operates in many countries considered to have oppressive regimes. It has subsidiaries in Burma, Mexico, the Philippines and Turkey, bottling plants in China and during the years of economic sanctions against South Africa, continued a sales and licensing agreement with a South African company.

PepsiCo owns Kentucky Fried Chicken, the world's largest quick-service chicken restaurant with outlets in 58 countries. KFC has been the focus of recent protests in India.

PepsiCo is part of the food & drink industry.

It is not only the specific practices of individual companies that cause problems. The attitudes created by the currrent system of exploitation gives power and profits to the few, at the expense of people, animals and the environment. It is important to expose the unethical practices of specific companies as their behaviour is often indicative of the entire system.

What's Wrong With ?
Oppresive Regimes

Supporting brutal / repressive regimes

The main criticism of PepsiCo Inc. is the fact that it operates in countries considered to be oppressive regimes. PepsiCo has subsidiaries in Burma, Mexico, the Philippines and Turkey. It also has a joint venture in India and bottling plants in China. During the years of economic sanctions against South Africa, PepsiCo continued a sales and licensing agreement with a South African company.

[The Ethical Consumer Guide to Everyday Shopping  published by the Ethical Consumer Research Association. ]

Animal Suffering

Abusing animals

PepsiCo has in-house animal-testing facilities, where it conducts nutritional studies on laboratory rats. It also sponsors experiments to test the safety of certain ingredients.

[The Ethical Consumer Guide to Everyday Shopping  published by the Ethical Consumer Research Association. ]

Credits and References: Most of the information in this section was taken from The Ethical Consumer Guide to Everyday Shopping  published by the Ethical Consumer Research Association. 

Opposition and Campaigns

Exploitation and profiteering do not need to exist. A better way of running our lives can be created based on the sharing of resources and on respect for each other and for nature. Increasingly people are questioning and challenging those with power and are seeking alternatives. Let's hope it's possible to make a difference.

Company Profile

Products and brandnames:

Contact details:
Postal address(es):
PepsiCo Inc.
Anderson Hill Road
N.Y. 10577

Phone number(s):
not known

Fax number(s):
not known
Online presence:
Email address(es): postmaster@pepsi.com
Web site(s): www.pepsico.com/web_pages/
Domain name(s): pepsi.com
Other: A Pepsi fan

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This information is provided by the McSpotlight internet site, http://www.mcspotlight.org, the most comprehensive source of information about multinationals ever assembled. Please send us any more relevant information for consideration. This page can be printed as a self-standing leaflet. Anti-copyright - please distribute as widely as possible.

The Beyond McDonald's pages provide information about the unethical practices of many other companies and industries. On McSpotlight you can find out What's Wrong With Multinationals, join the debate and get involved with campaigns.

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